Vista-64Bit & World of Warcraft Refresh Lag?


Sep 2, 2008
I recently upgraded to a vista ultimate 64-bit edition with new hardware, 8 gigs of ram, new 4850 vid card, all the trimmings. So I fire up WoW, but instead of seeing what should be a nice upgrade, it looks as though the refresh rate just went straight to hell.

Previously, on an XP machine, occasionaly there would be initially problems with the refresh where in a highly populated area, it would take 5-10 seconds for NPC/Mobs to appear.

But now on the high end system it seems as though everything takes forever to populate, I can go to a an area where there is absolutely no one except for a couple mobs and it will still take up to 10 seconds for everything to appear.

Anyone have any suggestions? I tried updating the video drivers etc. but nothing seems to work, would it be software or hardware?
I think you mean frame rate?

Any other games performance unexpectedly poor?
Check your settings and make sure they are maxed out. Since WoW appears to set up for lowest settings in vista on a fresh install, it may be worth a look. If you mean frame rate, then you have something setup wrong, like old drivers or some possible resident programs running eating all your cpu power or something. We need a clear definition of what you mean though as frame rate problems, view distance or lag.
The new PC uses the RADEON 4870 Graphics card.
Resolution is 1920*1200

Sorry, I should have been more specific, I think the correct term for the problem is 'clipping range' or 'render distance'
Its probably a combo of a few things.
1st, turn up your draw distance and clutter distance.
2nd, its not happy times in blizzard-server-land. Too many kids out of school has made que times and server lag very bad. I noticed a difference in draw distances by a large amount the last few weeks. The servers are just overloaded and cant send the info to your computer fast enough for it to draw it sooner.

What CPU do you have?