Vista and SP1


Jun 2, 2006
Ok, so for a long time i've been running Vista, although i went to install a program the other day from Adobe which asked for SP1. So i happily downloaded and installed it.

Now the problem. Since installing it i have had countless BSoDs and just shut downs with no errors, or anything. Vista doesn't see to realize it crashed.

I've searched google some said it was down to drivers and afaik mine are all upto date.

So, what could be causign it? and is there anyway to get Vista to stop on the BSoD instead of flashing it for a millisecond before rebooting? Or are crash logs actually even saved anywhere?

Becoming a right pain now, it's only been installed 4 days, but i've had in excess of 20 crashes now.
Use Event Viewer to see the crash logs.

To stop Vista from automatically restarting:
Right-Click on Computer > Properties
Advanced System Settings in the Tasks Bar
Under "Startup and Recovery" click Settings...
Uncheck "Automatically Restart" and OK out of the windows.
Ahh, got the bsod again, it's a memory problem. And runnign memtest shows me i have a major memory problem :p

Ill buy some new ram and hopefully all will be good :)

Ahh, got the bsod again, it's a memory problem. And runnign memtest shows me i have a major memory problem :p

Ill buy some new ram and hopefully all will be good :)


I wish more people were like you. You ask for help and then come back and acknowledge what helped or your own work around. I give you a big Thank you.
I wish more people were like you. You ask for help and then come back and acknowledge what helped or your own work around. I give you a big Thank you.

qft. It always gets to me when Im searching for a problem, I find a thread with my exact problem. . . and they just reply with "fixed"