Vista being killed ASAP?

"It's been a long time since we've had a version of Windows that will actually run better [than the previous version] on the hardware that most customers have," said Mike Nash, corporate vice president of the Windows product management group

Sounds like this is a main reason why.
Does anyone have any idea how W7 will run on a p4 3.2 dell box? I want to install it for my Gfs dad.
The thing here though is once 7 goes gold what purpose is there for Vista? Since Vista broke a ton of apps XP is still actually needed by users. 7 doesn't have anywhere near the number of compatibility problems being architecturally close to 7.

This just isn't a marketing move, its a practical move. Vista becomes irrelevant with 7. This isn't to say that Vista is crap or anything, it just doesn't serve any purpose anymore.
A buddy of mine tried out the Win7 public beta on a Dell P4 2.8 with I believe 1GB of RAM and it ran just fine on there. He also had it installed on his laptop with a single core [email protected] (I believe) with 512 meg of RAM and it ran damn good on that as well. That said, he didn't exactly run anything all that intensive on the laptop. The Dell system also had a Radeon 9600XT in it which allowed him to run with Aero on as well.

After my experience with the Win7 public beta, I would see no reason to keep Vista around any longer once Win7 is released. Yes, MS will still do the normal security patching and whatnot for years to come. As far as retail and even OEM sales (outside of businesses that wish to go with Vista to keep the same OS on all machines for lower support costs) there won't be any reason to keep around an OS that is inferior in just about every way, especially since Win7 will run much better on slower hardware compared to Vista.

If I remember correctly, during the Win9x era each new OS pretty much completely replaced the previous OS in this way as well so it's not like it's something new.

not that long, only 2 releases ago

What the guy above me said.... 9 years is almost an eternity when it comes to electronics(ESPECIALLY COMPUTER RELATED WARES), but seeing as you are a member of [H], you would know that, right?? ;)
QwertyJuan [H]ardness Supreme, 8.7 Years

Your account is like, 300 years old in IT years. ;)

Vista will be dead on Windows 7 release day. Dell, HP and the like will switch very quickly.

Same with XP. I expect all netbooks to come with the new OS, and they are pretty much the only way to get XP anymore. For app compatibility, they will refer you to XP Virtual Mode in 7.
2000 came out 9 years ago, that's forever in IT.

maybe, but considering that the kind of jump in awesomeness that 2000 ushered in hasnt even been close to being matched (really, vista isn't that much better than 2k), it still feels really damn close to me
maybe, but considering that the kind of jump in awesomeness that 2000 ushered in hasnt even been close to being matched (really, vista isn't that much better than 2k), it still feels really damn close to me

I do agree with that 100%. 2k is STILL a decent OS. The only problem with it nowadays is it's multimedia capabilities... it wasn't made with multimedia in mind.(But really... who would have thought 9-10 years ago that a computer would be as media rich as it is today). I still have a 2k server, and wouldn't have changed all the rest of my servers from 2k, if it wouldn't have been for installing Exchange 2k7. I had a few servers running 2k that would go for 3-4 months at a time between reboots.

But back to the matter at hand.... what the guy is saying is NOT how big an improvement it is, but how much better it runs compared to Vista on current hardware. When XP came out, it was dead slow on (THEN) current hardware. Same with Vista... it was slow on (THEN) current hardware... Windows 7 will NOT be plagued with this in the least. Matter of fact, it runs VERY well on 3-4 year old hardware.
maybe, but considering that the kind of jump in awesomeness that 2000 ushered in hasnt even been close to being matched (really, vista isn't that much better than 2k), it still feels really damn close to me

You apparently have not been doing hardcore server support. 2k3 had completely redesigned kernel stacks and pools.

From a support standpoint diagnosing issues with poorly written applications and software causing servers to go non-responsive 2k3 was light years beyond 2k, and 2k8 is a way bigger jump from 2k3 than 2k3 was from 2k...

Also talking about 2k running better than NT 4.0, only if the machine had more than 128 MB of RAM. I supported many a NT 4.0 server running for years on hardware that didn't meet the minimum requirements that 2k had when it came out...

This is the first MS release since Windows 98 where the hardware requirements have been the same for the new OS version as for the previous version...
Microsoft will stop supporting all versions of Vista in April 2012, says [Richard Francis, general manager and Windows client business group lead at Microsoft Asia-Pacific, in an e-mail.]

I think I'll wait and see what Balmer has to say about it rather than some manager in Southeast Asia.
QwertyJuan [H]ardness Supreme, 8.7 Years

Your account is like, 300 years old in IT years. ;)

Vista will be dead on Windows 7 release day. Dell, HP and the like will switch very quickly.

Same with XP. I expect all netbooks to come with the new OS, and they are pretty much the only way to get XP anymore. For app compatibility, they will refer you to XP Virtual Mode in 7.

Except that most, if not all, netbooks on the market could not run XP mode due to lack of hardware virtualization support.
Kinda sad, Vista was the best consumer OS Microsoft had ever produced. I'm looking forward to 7.

Its funny to see all the people saying OMG 7 runs great on older hardware. Guess what, so did Vista.
Its funny to see all the people saying OMG 7 runs great on older hardware. Guess what, so did Vista.

If Vista had a run as long as XP did people would change their mind. It's not like they never said XP was crappy, oh wait! What is it they say about short memory? :rolleyes:
Its funny to see all the people saying OMG 7 runs great on older hardware. Guess what, so did Vista.

Yes and no. Vista performance problems have been greatly exaggerated overall but at the same time Vista just seems to be to need a bit more power to run smoothly than Windows 7. I've been running 7 since on my tablet since the first beat when public and it just runs more smoothly than Vista did. No, not a night day difference but its definitely smoother.

The thing is that no matter how hard the anti-Windows crowd tries, they aren't going to be able to call Windows 7 slow and bloated and not look silly doing it. Windows 7 will probably run without sweat on 90% of existing computers out there with proper drivers.
I tried RC1, I'm not sure, almost feels like I'd be happier just buying Windowblinds for $50 instead of W7 upgrade for 90 and wait a couple years for the next plumbing release.

Unless, of course Microsoft is so ashamed of Vista, they kill it and give free upgrades of Windows 7, then I would be a total fool to stay with Vista. ;)

Seems almost like a double sucker punch. People hate Vista SO MUCH from all of the Vista sucks hype that they are gobbling up W7 hype.
If Vista had a run as long as XP did people would change their mind.

Bit of a difference there. XP to Vista was a huge time period, and a huge technological jump: we went from a "normal" computer being around Pentium 3 + 128MB to Core 2 Duo + 2GB. Vista to 7? Not so much, we've gone from Core 2 Duo to i7, which isn't that much faster, and most people don't have anyway.
hmm ..I had a whole computer lab consisting of Athlon XP chips and socket 478 P4's , most of which only had 512megs memory , all ran Vista RC1 just fine playing games like Serious Sam 1&2, Halo , NFS Underground , and similar vintage games .. and running Open Office , etc ..

I don't get why Vista seems to be targeted as such a bad OS with "some" peeps ..

..but .. I am diggen' Windows7 alot even tho I have had no problems with Vista.
Bit of a difference there. XP to Vista was a huge time period, and a huge technological jump: we went from a "normal" computer being around Pentium 3 + 128MB to Core 2 Duo + 2GB. Vista to 7? Not so much, we've gone from Core 2 Duo to i7, which isn't that much faster, and most people don't have anyway.

I'm not talking about hardware. I'm talking about how people dissed XP and whined about how it sucked and what a resource hog (deja vu anyone?) it was when it was released. And how XP only started being really a good (and stable! I remember a lot of BSODs. With Vista? Not really.) OS after SP2. People speak like XP was the best thing to ever happen! Like I said, people have really short memories.

Vista is a good and stable OS. The only problems came from 1) Piss-poor drivers (from nVidia), 2) People stuck in the past who think a mainstream PC is a P4 1,7GHz with 512MB of RAM and 3) Stupid people who are just stupid (user error)

I'll always laugh at people who bitched and whined about everything with Vista and then blindly love Windows 7. Placebo anyone? And while they're at it, think for themselves? Hmm? But that's just me. I'm not part of the herd.
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hmm ..I had a whole computer lab consisting of Athlon XP chips and socket 478 P4's , most of which only had 512megs memory , all ran Vista RC1 just fine playing games like Serious Sam 1&2, Halo , NFS Underground , and similar vintage games .. and running Open Office , etc ..

I don't get why Vista seems to be targeted as such a bad OS with "some" peeps ..

..but .. I am diggen' Windows7 alot even tho I have had no problems with Vista.

512MB with Vista, and it ran properly? Hogwash. :rolleyes:
Why don't you install it on a VM with 512MB of RAM and see for yourself?

I don't have time... I've ran more than one machine with 1GB, and it was BARELY tolerable. Only good for menial tasks... open up Office, a few IE windows, and just about anything else, and you're toast.

I've also ran machines with 1GB of ram with Vista(on purpose to see the difference), and noticed a HUGE difference going to 1.5-2GB.... FWIW even people that are 'noobs' to computers can notice the difference.

P.S. I don't mean to insinuate you guys are 'noobs' what I meant to say is that people that know nothing about computers noticed a HUGE improvement when I upgraded the ram in their machines from 1GB to 2GB.... sorry if it sounded any different. :)
I notice how slow my old comp was after i changed to a new computer.

We all tend to tolerate stuff when it is new even though the speed wasn't that fast. But we all could tell if something is causing even slower issue. I can't believed i used to play cs with 10 fps and a 33.6k modem while using a voodoo 3 2000
I notice how slow my old comp was after i changed to a new computer.

We all tend to tolerate stuff when it is new even though the speed wasn't that fast. But we all could tell if something is causing even slower issue. I can't believed i used to play cs with 10 fps and a 33.6k modem while using a voodoo 3 2000

I can't believe you did either... the Voodoo 3 was junk. :) I remember getting my Geforce DDR coming from a Voodoo 3 and I was BLOWN outta the water!! :eek:
Three years from now, how many people will be downgrading their Windows 7 OS to Vista when they purchase a new computer?

How many will still want to downgrade to XP three years from now? :D
I can't believe you did either... the Voodoo 3 was junk. :) I remember getting my Geforce DDR coming from a Voodoo 3 and I was BLOWN outta the water!! :eek:

Hey now, don't be dissing the Voodoo 3. The Voodoo 3 3000 was one of the best graphics cards I ever owned, still have it around here somewhere...
Once Vista got a bad rap it was over for the OS, because the people doing the bad mouthing had bigger voices. I personally don't have any problems with Vista 64x premium and it's rock solid for me (knocking on wood as I type this). It's my opinion Vista got a bad rap from people who tried to run it on computers that were either outdated or didn't have enough memory. Who's fault is it? Microsoft or Customer? There's always a saying that the customer is always right. So Microsoft tried to show Vista wasn't all that bad, but the people talking trash Vista wouldn't have nothing of that and made the voices louder than Microsoft's. So Microsoft switch most of their energy on Windows 7 (they were developing it anyways) and they've been listening to the complaints making sure (or at least trying) to please them with the upcoming Windows 7.

I bet any money if Windows 7 has any problems the same people who were bashing Vista are going to do the same thing with Windows 7. I'm not saying Microsoft isn't faultless for they have done some stupid things with Vista, but there are a lot of people out there that love bashing the big boy on the block (Microsoft).