Vista CPU and RAM Unknown


Limp Gawd
Oct 31, 2007
Maybe you guys can help me. I just noticed this problem a couple days ago while starting Mythos. It reported that my current CPU speed 0.0Ghz was lower than the recommended.. haha. Anyways I check my system properties and it is reporting CPU and RAM as unknown. I have a Q6600 @3.1 Ghz, 4g of DDR2, and a 680i motherboard running on vista x64.

Looking around online I saw some similar problems but no real solution. I tried system restore but the last one was like 3 days prior and didn't help. The only driver I remember updating was my video card and im not sure how that would effect it. I also tried reinstalling my motherboard driver to no avail. Any help would be appreciated as I have run out of ideas and although it's not a huge hinderance I am feeling my Mythos itch.

I have CPU-Z it reports all of my hardware and speeds correctly.

I have been able to play COD4 with no performance decrease. In Mythos it looks like it's a check and an unadjustable option where it automaticly dumbs down the game for less than recommended hardware.

So it appears as everything is running fine, it is just Vista that is somehow glitching. I have also tried the updating system rating and it goes through fine and reports 5.9 but does not update my processor or ram.

Any more suggestions would be appreciated.
Maybe you guys can help me. I just noticed this problem a couple days ago while starting Mythos.

I have CPU-Z it reports all of my hardware and speeds correctly.

So it appears as everything is running fine, it is just Vista that is somehow glitching.

Any more suggestions would be appreciated.

It sounds like a Mythos problem to me, not a Vista glitch... check their support site for updates/patches?
I am getting the CPU and RAM unknown readings from Vista's system properties. I discovered the problem when starting Mythos and it stating that I had a 0GHz processor. My system properties isn't something I check often just because.

This is a Vista problem becuase for whatever reason it isn't correctly displaying my information even though everything else can see it and my computer is functioning correctely.
Ah, I see.

What is listed in your device manager under Computer?

And check the driver for whatever is listed there, and let us know what the date/version number is.
in device manager my processor shows up correctly. A Q6600 rated for 2.4GHz. There are four instances of it, I assume one for each core? Version is 6.0.6000.16386 date is 6/21/2006. As far as ram goes I don't think it shows up under device manager, correct me if i'm wrong.