Vista, firefox and flash


Jan 18, 2007
I am currently working on setting up Firefox on Vista 32bit home premium and noticed that I am not able to install flash player. The automated installer blows up with an error and the manual installer seems to disappear in the middle of the process without having done anything.

No flash in itself is fine - no one that will be using this computer will want it anyway but what bothers me about not having flash player installed is that everytime I navigate to a page with flash FF brings up an option to open it from a program or download it to a file.

I tried installing Noscript and Flashblock in hopes that FF will ignore the flash before prompting for download but did not work. I also tried redirecting the flash to some blank .exe that I created but this brings up an error popup that I have to select [ok] to kill.

Is there any way I can get flash to either work or die silently?
