Vista Memory Management Question


Aug 24, 2003
I was running the rig in my sig with only 1 gig of ram. I noticed in Task Manager there was only 8 mb of available ram. I installed another gig of ram today. Now when I go into Task Manager I only have 36 mb of available ram. What the heck is Windows doing with my ram?
So you'd prefer if all that RAM goes unused or if Vista uses all of it to make your PC faster, especially since it releases it if another program needs it? But I guess everyone's an expert on the intertubes.
Superfetch can very quickly release any memory that has been allocated to caching your frequently used applications. (just look at the task manager and then launch Photoshop, IE, VS2005 at the same time - on my system (P4, 3GB 533MHz DDR2), 1GB is freed up in ~.01 seconds.

This is where I notice a huge benefit from readyboost actually - it's when you close those applications / games / etc, your RAM is repopulated by Superfetch MUCH more quickly with a ReadyBoost drive connected to your PC. (10 seconds vs. 60 seconds to preemptively cache ~1.5GB of data - this is with a 1GB crucial high speed 'readyboost ready' flash drive).
Search for "Vista RAM".
Very simple question that is asked and discussed all the time... There have been entire threads dedicated to it.
I thank you all for your answers. I now have a better understanding of what is going on. I didn't mean to anger anyone. I did do some googling on the subject b4 i posted here. What's wrong with asking the experts when you can't find what you're looking for?
I think most are just saying that there's been many,many posts that ask the same question in this forums and many, many threads which explain it with a link or at length.

Glad you have a little more clarity on the subject at any rate. :D

Always good to not feel like you've been cheated.