Vista Only!?

Tangent inc.

Limp Gawd
Oct 5, 2006
i am looking into a rebuild of my htpc after seeing haw little it will actually cost when i came across this in my research:

"Microsoft Windows XP or Windows Vista for the GeForce 8800 and GeForce 7 series GPUs, currently Microsoft Vista only for the GeForce 8600 and 8500 series GPUs"

directly off nvidia's site.

i am not planning on a vista switch for a while but i am only going to jump into hd playback if i can have full hardware support. is this true... do i have to use vista to get hardware hd rendering out of an 8600gts.

i planning on:
x2 5000+EE
micro atx
2 gig corsair ddr2
lg combo hd-dvd/bluray

everything minus the ODD is under $550
well thats shitty... then again home prem. is just over $100 so i guess im going vista for my home theater sooner then i thought.

thanks crime
well thats shitty... then again home prem. is just over $100 so i guess im going vista for my home theater sooner then i thought.

thanks crime

You should be going vista, much more features for HD content... not to mention, it's fairly cheap now.
thanks guys... i see that bluegears also has drivers for vista 32/64bit as i already have that card and along with my storage will be moving to my new build. pics when i start putting it together.