Vista or Myth?


Mar 7, 2007
So my main rig is becoming a backend, housing 960GB of space, q6600, and 3 tuners (2 analog and 1 digital).

I'm debating between running Linux with MythTV or Vista Ultimate. I don't mind having linux as my OS on my main rig, but I can get Vista Ultimate for $30.

Also, I have all the parts for a powerful small HTPC that can output 1080p for my set as a myth frontend, but I also have an xbox360 that will be hooked up to the set.

Vista would be easier to setup and maintain, are there any advantages to MythTV over Vista MC? I know Myth can flag/skip/cut commercials, is vista capable of this? Are there any other advantages to Vista MC?

Any help would be really appreciated. I also have the option of getting two vista ultimates if running one on the little box with an IR remote is a better option then using the 360 MC extender.
Does vista media center now allow you to play ripped DVD's out of Video_TS folders on extenders, like an xbox 360?

I mean without using something like Transcode 360.
Does vista media center now allow you to play ripped DVD's out of Video_TS folders on extenders, like an xbox 360?

I mean without using something like Transcode 360.

It always has, the problem has always been a simple registery hack was needed to get it to read the file format.

NOW and I do stress this it works FINE on the 32bit version of vista, the 64bit version MAY OR MAY NOT, if the codec you use to watch movies is 64bit your all go but if its 32bit, then media centre will not properly read it (there are ways around it but it seemed to cause horrible blocking on my Vista x64 HTPC) so if you go with Vista make sure to use the 32 bit version simply because the most popular codecs used are not 64bit YET
It always has, the problem has always been a simple registery hack was needed to get it to read the file format.

So using the registry hack an Xbox 360 connected to a Vista MCE computer could play ripped DVD's out of a Video_TS folder structure?
whelp, I planned on using a PC as an extender but apparently MS gives no MCE extender software, it's 360 or 3rd party $200 hardware :(.

trying myth for the moment!