Vista or Win7

I've been skipping having 7 as my main OS/outside of a vm. Just can't bring myself to use full time an unfinished (before you guys jump on me, until it's RTM that is technically what it is) OS. Something for you to consider.

In before Vista joke about unfinished ect :p
I would assume he is talking about 7. Or he meant exactly what he said for lulz.
Kinda off topic but my vista ult 64 disk is non sp1. I can get a vista pre 64 disk with sp1 from work. Can I use my ult key?
I'd install Windows 7. But having never tried Vista, my opinion might sound bias.
I'd install 7, but just be aware you're going to have to reinstall when the final 7 comes out. So if this is for a pc you want to leave the same os installed for a while, then vista would be a better choice.
Install win7.
Do you feel like formatting and reinstalling again in 6-8 months? Your answer should be based on that.
Win7 if you want to test things out ahead of time and don't mind doing a fresh install once RTM hits in a few months.

Vista if you plan to leave this install for a while or if you have any business critical stuff going on (usually not a good idea to rely on beta software for mission critical/business related things).

Have fun.
im really not afraid of reformatting. i have a data dive so backing up isnt a problem. i install windows at least 15 times a week at work, so it is pretty automatic to me.
I have the same question with another twist.

32 bit or 64 bit?

The parts are in the mail for a new PC, a phenom 2 X4 and so forth.

I have a copy of vista ultimate sitting there, 32 bit I think. Or I can go with 7 RC1. I dont mind reformatting later, I do it every 6-12 months anyway. Will i see any difference in running 32 bit vs 64 bit? Any compatibility issues? And I will be having an XP laptop for work purposes, so this is strictly for home use, games, web...
Do you feel like formatting and reinstalling again in 6-8 months? Your answer should be based on that.

more like March of 2010 is when windows 7 RC 1 will start to not fully function.

if you can live with the little bugs of vista

- slow network performance
- folder views that dont stick, even after using reg edits and other fixes

go nuts.
I have the same question with another twist.

32 bit or 64 bit?

The parts are in the mail for a new PC, a phenom 2 X4 and so forth.

I have a copy of vista ultimate sitting there, 32 bit I think. Or I can go with 7 RC1. I dont mind reformatting later, I do it every 6-12 months anyway. Will i see any difference in running 32 bit vs 64 bit? Any compatibility issues? And I will be having an XP laptop for work purposes, so this is strictly for home use, games, web...

64bit, no reason not to.

64bit allows you to use more then 4G of ram if you got it, go 64bit.
Do you feel like formatting and reinstalling again in 6-8 months? Your answer should be based on that.


welcome to the Vista vs Win 7 era, RTM is not out yet and the madness already began, that doesn’t mean the legendary “XP vs Vista” topics wont pop up from time to time.
Those threads will never go away, because people will never completely understand how ridiculous it is to ask others about what OS to install on their own personal computer. That's why Zepher's first comment is all that needs to be said.
Kinda off topic but my vista ult 64 disk is non sp1. I can get a vista pre 64 disk with sp1 from work. Can I use my ult key?

It may be different if it's volume-licensed, but standard Vista discs are not version-specific (only 32- or 64-bit specific) - any 64-bit disc can be used to install any 64-bit version of Vista. So I'd say that it probably would work.
IMO, if this is the only computer in your house, I'd stick with Vista (if it were ME.) While I love Win7, I've had quite a few BSOD's off the bat (they've gotten better), and still problems getting my Epson All-In-One working with the Epson SW.

If you like playing around, and don't mind tackling potential problems, go for Win7 (I also recommend 64-bit if you can.)
I'm gonna jump on the "a beta OS should not be your primary OS" bandwagon and leave it at that.

There's nothing wrong with Vista64. If you have the power and RAM, Vista64's plenty fast in it's own rights. Don't let FUD trolls tell you otherwise.

Not saying there's something wrong with Win7 but it should not be your primary until it's finished.
Beta and RC to me are fairly different,. sure they are both not final but RC tend to be alot more stable then a beta.

Vista is fast, but as i pointed out above, it has it's own issues.
Beta and RC to me are fairly different,. sure they are both not final but RC tend to be alot more stable then a beta.

Vista is fast, but as i pointed out above, it has it's own issues.

Sorry mate but I wasn't referring to you when mentioning FUD trolls. I agree that Vista has these minor issues you mention. I meant the usual FUD you get that's completely untrue, like Vista crashing all the time or that it spies on you for Microsoft or the UAC gets in your face 10000 times a day.
more like March of 2010 is when windows 7 RC 1 will start to not fully function.

8.5 or 8.75 months...hey I was close for shootin from the hip. I know people are thinking of next summer...but suppose many don't know about the "Nag every 2 hours" that will start in March.

I'm just not a fan of following the trendy "Leak of the Week" club...backup data, format, reinstall, restore data, tweak.

repeat cycle in a week or two when another leak comes out...

repeat in another week or two..


I threw a couple of a test rig since last December, yeah..looks good, runs great, installs fast, runs on lower hardware better than Vista. me stuff to look forward to when the official version comes out via MS partner channels....and I install it ONCE on the rigs I choose, configure my stuffors...and enjoy it for a few years.
I'm just not a fan of following the trendy "Leak of the Week" club...backup data, format, reinstall, restore data, tweak.

repeat cycle in a week or two when another leak comes out...

repeat in another week or two..

i dont want to do that. i DL the rc and got a key the day it came out and i've been sitting on it. it is reformat time for me cause i'm going to be setting up a raid. i normally reinstall every 6-12 months.
To help you further decide, it may be helpful to see so many of the new features and benefits Windows 7 offers to all users. To learn more, Microsoft does have a site with whitepapers, tutorials, walkthroughs and screen casts on all the “under the hood” features in Win 7. Check out the Springboard site for Windows 7 on TechNet here

Microsoft Windows Client Team
Windows 7....

I used the Beta on a seperate box and tested it. Liked what I seen.

RC1 x64 (7100) was used on my main rig for since It came out until yesterday. I just formatted and put Win 7 x64 (7232) on there. Love it. Will use it as my main OS until Win 7 Retail comes out in October.

For me, 7 installs, starts up, shuts down, launches apps, and has WAYYY better networking performance than Vista. And, For whatever reason, I still have the annoying issue with ESET Smart Security and Vista SP2.... ESET and Win 7 play nicely together <3
To help you further decide, it may be helpful to see so many of the new features and benefits Windows 7 offers to all users. To learn more, Microsoft does have a site with whitepapers, tutorials, walkthroughs and screen casts on all the “under the hood” features in Win 7. Check out the Springboard site for Windows 7 on TechNet here

Microsoft Windows Client Team

are you the girl to talk to to get a free win7 when it comes out? :)
Just finished putting Windows 7 on my notebook. The way things are going I will be replacing Vista on my desktop shortly, and promptly pre-ordering Ultimate 2 licenses.
Beta and RC to me are fairly different,. sure they are both not final but RC tend to be alot more stable then a beta.
An RC should be, because it is a candidate for a final release, but it is still like a beta, in that it hasn't been finalized, or run through the final code optimizations. For discussions such as this, however, the beta and an RC are the same, because they aren't final code, and would both need to be wiped to make way for the final release version. It's also quite clear by the number of new build numbers since RC1, that there have been quite a few fixed and optimizations.
what is that?

Indeed, good choice.

I have the same question with another twist.

32 bit or 64 bit?

The parts are in the mail for a new PC, a phenom 2 X4 and so forth.

I have a copy of vista ultimate sitting there, 32 bit I think. Or I can go with 7 RC1. I dont mind reformatting later, I do it every 6-12 months anyway. Will i see any difference in running 32 bit vs 64 bit? Any compatibility issues? And I will be having an XP laptop for work purposes, so this is strictly for home use, games, web...

64-bit, welcome to 2007.
People (on this forum) are still installing/caring about Vista?
When you have machines used in a production environment, whether it be home or work, Vista is still the better choice. Once Windows 7 is final, and available on TechNet, I'll review my stance.
Don't bother with Vista just go with the Win7 RC. It's more than stable for home and gaming use. The RC is also good until June of 2010 so you have an entire year before you have to reinstall. Win7 is also much better than Vista in just about every aspect. Really I see no reason to NOT to use Win7.
Really I see no reason to NOT to use Win7.
After the way you've bashed Vista and trolled through Vista threads, do you really expect anyone to take your comments seriously anymore?

If you can't see some of the reasons for sticking with Vista right now, and avoiding an OS that isn't final, you shouldn't be giving others advice on which OS to be using. Despite your misguided views, there is nothing wrong with Vista. When you add in the fact that the RC build is the one that lasts a year, and how many builds have been leaked since then (hundreds), you'd quickly see why the RC isn't meant for everyday, production use.