Vista RC1 boot issue


Feb 8, 2005
I downloaded Vista RC1 64 bit(I have a AMD64 3500+) and did a clean install, where I had Vista Beta 2(32 bit). Everything went ok it took the key I had with the 32bit beta I had installed(I beleave the keys are universal they work with 32bit and 64 bit) and it made it to completion reboot but on reboot it says C:\windows\system32\winload.exe is mission or corrupt. I reburned my iso at a slow speed 2x and reinstalled the new disk, also I have a killer Plexor burner and it says the same thing on boot up. I'm preety sure that the down load I got from MS(Vista RC1-64bit) made it to my PC uncorrupted because its verified prior final download. So does any one know what the problem is and can anyone email me the file above from their installed Vista RC1(64bit).

I run XP 32 on my other drive, AMD643500+, 1 gig OCZ, 74gig Raptor, 160 gig Seagate(this holds my Vista RC1)

On the install everything went good but on the boot up to complete the install is where I get the message, and I never make it in to the OS.

Also I doubble checked and the file is there in the new Windows RC1 64bit install, I can find it so I don't know what wrong.
This could take some time to download, but have you tried the 32bit RC1? Vista still has many problems, but it seems Vista64 has even more still.
I am downloading Vista RC1 32bit but I wanted to help/push/beta test the 64 bit version since that will benifit games 2-4 years down the road and where we need to go. We now have the 64 bit chips to run it so why not I figure.
I wasn't arguing with your choise of downloads. I was merely suggesting that you try the 32 bit version because it's less buggy/has less driver compatibility issues. Then you can atleast check out Vista for now, until you figure out the 64 bit issue you are having.
I know you weren't, I'm just wondering if anyone else is haveing this problem, the fact that the folder c:\windows\system32\winload.exe is the corupt file is kinda making me wonder about my previous 32bit install. But like I said I can boot to XP and go find the missing/corrupt file in the new Vista RC1 64 on its drive, so its not missing so it must be corrupt, I'm out of burnable DVD's :( , but I know there are other here that are trying the 64 bit version and I wanted them to email me that file to [email protected] its a reasonbly small file less than a meg.
I have the same problem, it has been present in x64 and x86 versions of Beta 2 to present RC1. Unfortunatly, I dont thikn there is anything you can do, except run the boot disk and select "repair windows" or whatever. I have to hand it to microsoft, its reasonably fast, and works every time.

Im sure this bug will get ironed out sooner or later...just know that for me it only happens when I shut down. Restarts are fine, and a hard shutdown are fine. Its only when windows shuts down.

So just dont shut down. Either leave it on 24/7, or hard shutdown every time. Or just always have teh boot disk handy.
rrhomes said:
I am downloading Vista RC1 32bit but I wanted to help/push/beta test the 64 bit version since that will benifit games 2-4 years down the road and where we need to go. We now have the 64 bit chips to run it so why not I figure.

thats kind of a mute point at this time, 64 is a complete waist of time right now. There is not much you can help/push/beta test right now till companies are willing to take the time to put out drivers and till M$ puts more energy into it themselves. Just because you have a 64bit chip doesnt mean you should try to take advantage of something that just isnt there yet. The whole benefit to games 2-4yrs down the road is just silly. Thats like trying to figure out what system to get in 2-4yrs when we are still waiting for tech still 6months or more down the road. If gaming is what you want to do, drop 64 now and just move to 32, other wise your just waisting your time.