Vista RC1 (Build 5600 (i.e Not Pre-RC1))

ScYcS said:
Installed 5600 64Bit and it's a mess. Works only every 3 boot (BSODs otherwise), random crashes, drivers don't work (creative) and general instability on my system. Mind you, i had no probs with Beta2 64bit or otherwise. I then installed 32bit version and everything worked. Went back and thought it was some installation error and re-installed 64 bit. Same bleak picture.

32Bit seems fine, the 64bit version seems horribly unstable at this point.

Glad I went with x86. x64 gets the shaft it seems...
I was running x64 Vista on a previous build and it worked fine, although driver support (and software too) is mediocre, at best.....

It seems x64 for the daily power user/gamer is just not quite ready yet....
Holy crap, I don't remember being able to play HL2 Lost Coast at 1900x1200 8xAF and 4X V-Sync on very smoothly in XP or 2003. It was smooth as silk using Vista. I can't get over how smooth it played. None of the usual hiccups. NONE. I even had Outlook, Newsleecher (Actively Downloading), iTunes, Windows Media Player, and 8 browser windows open while I was playing.
Is there a way to have your beta 2 key resent to you for this?

i didnt check my hotmail account for a month so it was shut down and when i reactivated my beta 2 email wasnt there :(
Hi guys, i got ordered Beta 2 a while back and would liek to try RC1. Are they automatically going to send RC1 for Beta 2 users? If so, is it also a time-limited software like beta 2?
yes it is 14 day limited if you dont activate, if you activate it expires June 1st 2007.
Thanks, another question though. As in my previous post regarding about sending RC1 to beta 2 users, the reason why im asking it because the email that i registered with that i was using is now de-activated so there is no way i will be receiving any notifications from them. I guess i want to know if they will automatically send it or i have to reply to that email which i have no way of getting it.

If they do send it automatically, i'll be using the product key that came in the disk, right?
jhego said:
Thanks, another question though. As in my previous post regarding about sending RC1 to beta 2 users, the reason why im asking it because the email that i registered with that i was using is now de-activated so there is no way i will be receiving any notifications from them. I guess i want to know if they will automatically send it or i have to reply to that email which i have no way of getting it.

If they do send it automatically, i'll be using the product key that came in the disk, right?
your beta 2 key will work with any copy of RC1 you obtain, whereever you get it from. Infact, microsoft made it so you dont even need a key to have it work for 2 weeks.



heres a screen shot

well every thing works well be games for me im blaming crapy drivers from NV >.> if ATi can get fully working drivers out why cant NV oh well
3d on the desktop works fine but in games im getting 1/4 the framerates i get in XP

this is all on the x86-32 build of RC1

one thing i DONT like is that streched wallpapers dont look as good as thay do in XP there alsised badly >.< you can see it in the 2nd screen
Well, i got it installed on my Dell Inspiron 9100 laptop , p4 2.6C / 1g of ram / 60g 7200ROM HD/ radeon 9700 64mb mobile and it is actually very smooth, now to find my proper serial key!

Great part was it picked up my network card, my sigmatel audio and vid card fine!
Anyone here running an MSI K8NMM2-FID motherboard? If so, Id like to see if you can help me with my install problem. Thanks in advance
I really like it. My only gripe is the darn screen saver does not ever turn on and it does not put my Dell LCD in power save mode either.

Still waiting for my cooling fan for my ATi card get here soon so I can put my better card back in. Right now I am using a 9600 instead of my 9800Pro I have. Neither are fast as hell but fast enough for me for now. Both work great though.

Only other issue that boggles my mind is that MS does not have Intellitype Drivers for my wireless keyboard/mouse.
Sweet! i got my email and it has my serial key in it from beta 2!

now, i cant find the area to change my serial key, i recall seeing it when i first installed VIsta, but now i cant find it again

Anyone remeber where the place is to let me enter in a diff key?
BIGDADDY51 said:
Anyone here running an MSI K8NMM2-FID motherboard? If so, Id like to see if you can help me with my install problem. Thanks in advance

Sorry dude. I am using a Master2Far with two opterons though and had no issues with the installing Beta 2 64 on it. I am downloading RC1 now and will be checking it out shortly.

What sort of problems are ou having?
I still can't get my system to boot off the RC1 disk. made the disk and nothing shows on screen in the drive. I pop it into another system of mine and it shows, but doesnt start up :(
MrGuvernment said:
Sweet! i got my email and it has my serial key in it from beta 2!

now, i cant find the area to change my serial key, i recall seeing it when i first installed VIsta, but now i cant find it again

Anyone remeber where the place is to let me enter in a diff key?

right clik my computer>properties
obviouslytom said:
I still can't get my system to boot off the RC1 disk. made the disk and nothing shows on screen in the drive. I pop it into another system of mine and it shows, but doesnt start up :(

maybe you had corrupted download ,i had an error twice when downloading direct from MS which is fast, so i just settle to torrent now, very slow
obviouslytom said:
I still can't get my system to boot off the RC1 disk. made the disk and nothing shows on screen in the drive. I pop it into another system of mine and it shows, but doesnt start up :(
Try burning the disc at 4x or slower. I remember seeing MS suggesting this a couple of months ago on one of the MSDN pages.
freespeach said:
Sorry dude. I am using a Master2Far with two opterons though and had no issues with the installing Beta 2 64 on it. I am downloading RC1 now and will be checking it out shortly.

What sort of problems are ou having?
It won't boot from the dvd. It just goes into a reboot loop instead. I even wrote to MSI and they said try different ram, or update the bios. Checking over the bios offerings, I see nothing that's gonna change much. I know al the hardware works and even the latest rc1 disc, because it went right on the NF2 mb with NO problem. Running Vista Advisor, it kicks out the nic controller as uncompatible and that might be it, because it's Nvidia.I just got onto th MS forums, and I see I have a LOT of company, as there are a ton of no install posts with the same no boot into setup.problem.Othe foRums also have similar builds, using the FID board, that have the same problem even after upgrading thier bios to 3.5 You would think that an 18 month old A64 board would have support from MS. Keep in mind that XP PRO will install perfectly on the same box. I even tried to install XP first, and use the upgrade option. This way I got quite a bit farther. it loaded the files, expanded them, and then, when it went for the first reboot, it went back into the reboot loop.It's using an ide hardrive, and the same dvdrw works fine in the NF2, so it can't be that. Hoping for some help from the new Vista forums over at MS, as I am registered as a small system builder there.
tesfaye said:
Try burning the disc at 4x or slower. I remember seeing MS suggesting this a couple of months ago on one of the MSDN pages.

Tried that still didnt work. I will try extracting everything from the ISO and then reburning it to see. Hopefully this time it will work


redownloading the ISO from microsoft now. I guess the torrent I used wasnt that great
anyone having wi-fi troubles? I have an HP NW8240 laptop that I loaded RC1 on without any issues. (Pent. M 2.0ghz, Inte[font=arial, helvetica]l 2915abg wireless, 1gb ram, ati 128mb firegl 5K video)

I was on the network wired just fine. I get home from work, and try to hit my own wireless network (Netgear 614 basic router) and it won't connect, says it doesn't receive a response from the router... I can reboot into XP Pro and get through just fine... I was all excited about finally getting a good Vista experience... :*(

The driver is dated July of this year... I belive it picked it up from windows update after the install. I tried rolling back, same thing.
i had to redownload the one from MS once after my nero burn failed. works now after a re-d'l
did u guys burn both the 32 and 64 bit on the same dvd or does it have to be seperate?
got RC1 installed last night. works great and I am going to test it later tonight with 3DS Max 8
Currently Running RC1 Build 5600 x64 and it runs great!

HL2 reconizes it and runs in 64bit more, UT'04 runs in 64 bit no problem.

Only issue is creative dragging thier....... and not releasing a working driver.

There are a few issues here and there that seem to work oddly but I think it's more of not understanding the OS / User error then it not working correctly.

Main issues I have are forcing drivers to install is not capable. For While it has support for SNMP interaction with routers like linksys. It seems to crash my router every time I try. But it works fine with my newer D-Link gamer router.

I'm still playing with some of the more detailed security options but I keep running into walls that look like they were just in put in for this CR1 and will likly not be there for the final.

My personal dislike of "Vertual Folders" such as the "Download, Documents, etc" continues.

Deffently a new OS compaired to older windows versions. I can't wait to see what this OS can really do with it once the correct drivers are out and DX10 hardware is released.
jhego said:
did u guys burn both the 32 and 64 bit on the same dvd or does it have to be seperate?

has to be seperate dvd's -since the 64bit version of 3.56G's and the 32bit is 2.52G's.

Anyone else not able to get counter strike source working? i just get steam telling me the game is currently unavailible.

i tried from installing my Hl2 game, then updating steam

to completly downloading CS:S from steam and neither works

Another issue i seem to have is with the ATI drivers (64bit vista on this rig) is if my system goes into screen saver mode, or hybernate, it changes my refresh rate to 75mhz for my LCD which it cant handle on dvi, so i have to boot into safe mode, uninstall my vid vard, boot normally, let it pick it up, then reboot , open cat's center and set the res / refresh rate again.
Well, they definetly improved the networking!

just transfering about 5g of archives files from my laptop, to my desktop system, and i have peak out on the network usage at %99.82 and seem to keep fairly steady between %80 - %93 usage.

prior to this, using XP, i never saw over %85 usage.
Using Vista32 with the rig shown below..going to try 64bit on vmware later on.

Things i liked:
-I aws able to use my scanner and HP printer without installing the bloated HP cd crap!
-Media center working pefectly with my HDTV wonder(kram drivers)

Things im trying to figure out:
-Internet issues at first due to marvel yukon settings.(fixed)
-Warcraft 3 frozen throne has no sound. After udpateing to latest patch there is no sound
-Where does the recorded TV shows go? I dont see the show i recorded under the recorded TV folder..
CompMage said:
Currently Running RC1 Build 5600 x64 and it runs great!

My personal dislike of "Vertual Folders" such as the "Download, Documents, etc" continues.

ive never understood some people hatred of those folders, i don't use them myself as i stor my data on a second drive. But alot of the non power users i know find them incredibly helpful. That new Downloads folder is gonna be a godsend to anyone who has to work on his families computers. No more 12 million downloaded files on the desktop.

Adobe CS2 will NOT install on Vista Rc1 64bit - because of the directory it uses program files (86)\

Adobe does not accept ( ) in names so it says it is invalid, and wont install :(

Stupid adobe!!!
MrGuvernment said:

Adobe CS2 will NOT install on Vista Rc1 64bit - because of the directory it uses program files (86)\

Adobe does not accept ( ) in names so it says it is invalid, and wont install :(

Stupid adobe!!!

can't you change the path and install it somewhere else?
The way the 64bit edition works is that all 32bit apps have to go into the programs files (86) folder, anywhere else and it will think it si a 64bit app.

i did try in the regular program files folder, but it didnt even install it, even thought it said it did.
MrGuvernment said:
The way the 64bit edition works is that all 32bit apps have to go into the programs files (86) folder, anywhere else and it will think it si a 64bit app.

i did try in the regular program files folder, but it didnt even install it, even thought it said it did.

So in other words, all your games have to go on the main partition, meaning that any TrueImage backups you take are going to be way to large to put on optical disks unless you uninstall all your games first. Joy.

(And yes, I do realize I have to reinstall them anyway with my approach... but at least I only have to do it when I restore, not when I back up).
MrGuvernment said:
The way the 64bit edition works is that all 32bit apps have to go into the programs files (86) folder, anywhere else and it will think it si a 64bit app.

i did try in the regular program files folder, but it didnt even install it, even thought it said it did.

Under XP64 I definitely had my 32 bit games installed on a totally different folder than the default folder...maybe Vista is different, have not tried the 64 bit one yet.....
Skipper007 said:
So in other words, all your games have to go on the main partition, meaning that any TrueImage backups you take are going to be way to large to put on optical disks unless you uninstall all your games first. Joy.

(And yes, I do realize I have to reinstall them anyway with my approach... but at least I only have to do it when I restore, not when I back up).

that could be the case but i can not say....

i :"assume" so , but maybe MS isnt that way... ?

i will have to try and install another 32bit app outside of the (86) folder and see what happens.
Theirs a beta for my audigy 2 on the creative website. Its working fine so far too, i would imagine they have similar available, it just didnt autoinstall properly but is working fine now.

CompMage said:
Currently Running RC1 Build 5600 x64 and it runs great!

HL2 reconizes it and runs in 64bit more, UT'04 runs in 64 bit no problem.

Only issue is creative dragging thier....... and not releasing a working driver.

There are a few issues here and there that seem to work oddly but I think it's more of not understanding the OS / User error then it not working correctly.

Main issues I have are forcing drivers to install is not capable. For While it has support for SNMP interaction with routers like linksys. It seems to crash my router every time I try. But it works fine with my newer D-Link gamer router.

I'm still playing with some of the more detailed security options but I keep running into walls that look like they were just in put in for this CR1 and will likly not be there for the final.

My personal dislike of "Vertual Folders" such as the "Download, Documents, etc" continues.

Deffently a new OS compaired to older windows versions. I can't wait to see what this OS can really do with it once the correct drivers are out and DX10 hardware is released.