Vista--Remove "Documents" from classic start menu


Supreme [H]ardness
Jan 1, 2007
I just reinstalled Vista and I can NOT remember how I removed the "Documents" folder from the classic start menu...but I know I did. I tried doing the run-->gpedit.msc-->user configurations-->administrative tools-->start menu and taskbar-->and enabling "remove documents icon from start menu" and it didn't work. Yes, I restarted.

Anyone know how to do this? Thanks.
Right-click on the Start Menu and choose "Properties".

Select the radio button to the left of "Start Menu" and choose "Customize".

Scroll down to "Documents" and select the radio button that says "Don't display this item".

That should do it.
I believe that the Documents link is embedded in explorer.exe and there's no way to disable it.
I'm pretty sure (not positive, I guess) that I was able to do this before, though. :S