Vista sales propel Microsoft's profit

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[H]F Junkie
Mar 26, 2000
SEATTLE (Reuters) -- Microsoft Corp. posted a 65 percent rise in quarterly profit Thursday, topping Wall Street estimates thanks to better than expected demand for its new Windows Vista operating system.

Chief Financial Officer Chris Liddell said consumer sales of Vista surpassed the company's own expectations by $300 million to $400 million.

It sounds like they even surprised the analysts with the number of Vista sales! (hence beating their projected earnings

(Over 75% of [H] users who have tried Vista have converted to using it full time)
I saw this as well.

If Vista is such crap- why is it selling so well?

If Vista is such crap- why does the vast majority of people stick with it?

If Vista is such crap- and everyone is pirating it because nobody wants to pay- why is it selling at a much much faster rate than XP did?

FUD seems to rule the OS world anymore...
If X-Box is so good why is it losing millions for Microsoft? Some things are just not logical.
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