Vista SP1 Links

I downloaded this in 8 minutes from MS, that has to be one of the fastest downloads I've ever done, 1.2 MB/sec.

I will be installing this today, I'll let you know my success hopefully :)
You mean, spam the spammer? :D

Yes! Though he might like it... :rolleyes:

Anyways got this download at 1MB/s and installed it and so far it does seem snappier, I cannot tell to much as I am using LogMeIn on my vista machine but copying a 4.6GB file from one hard drive to another actually copies. It doesn't delay in calculating etc, just goes and took 2 mins so this SP1 actually fixed that, dunno yet about network traffic and gaming is something I plan to test tonight. :D

Vista is by far one of their better OS releases, though Win 3.1 was top notch in its day, this SP1 just made Vista even better then it already was and took just 35 mins to install this too!
Well it looks like I get to be one of the first to run into problems after the SP1 upgrade!

After it finished installing I logged into my username and lo and behold, all the programs shortcuts in the start menu have disappeared except for a couple standard Windows icons such as Accessories\System Tools folder, which only includes a shortcut for "Internet Explorer (No Add-Ons)" The Startup folder is also in there.

Additionally, my copy of Vista is coming up as not activated, and when I try to activate it online Microsoft comes back saying that the key that I entered is already in use. I had upgraded my copy of Vista Home to Vista Ultimate online, and I noticed it had assigned a new Key after I did so, however I never wrote this key down. Either way, I don't think it's normal to have to re-activate Vista if I just installed a service pack. I guess I'll have to call Microsoft about this one.

Anybody else encounter similar results or have any suggestions?
That is quite odd that Vista SP1 did that to you, the first and guaranteed not the last causality of Sp1 for Vista.
I am assuming nothing popped up, no warning messages or prompts?
... Could someone post the link to the thread where I can download and find out when SP1 is coming out please?

j/k :D Thanks OP for the post. Downloading SP1 now :D
That is quite odd that Vista SP1 did that to you, the first and guaranteed not the last causality of Sp1 for Vista.
I am assuming nothing popped up, no warning messages or prompts?

Nope, nothing came up. I opened up the SP1 installer, enabled automatic rebooting, came back and logged into my username and proceeded to be slapped across the mouth by Vista.

Luckily it's my work computer, so I'll have plenty of time during the rest of the week to put all my shortcuts back :D I won't be putting Vista on my home comps just yet.
Lol, a work computer? That's a switch, usually companies stay away from new stuff till its proven. Maybe your pc was one of those that had the undisclosed driver issue? Beats me though as I did the same thing on my Ultimate at home and came up with no problems.

We're gonna move on from "When is SP1 going to be out?!?!" to
bitch slapped across the mouth by Vista.
wow, 726mb for the standalone x64! I wonder what makes it so much bigger than the 32bit version...

O well, will be done in like 6 hrs :p Yay for slow internet.
lol yea, and get this: it was my development machine so I was running SQL Server 2005, Netbeans, Weblogic 9.2, Dreamweaver, and occasionally Photoshop CS2 all at once on it. We had bought two desktops from Dell (it's a small company) and we figured we'd give Vista a try. Found out early on that the 2GB wasn't going to cut it with all of that running so we upgraded both of them to 4GB. One of those desktops has since been formatted and now runs XP Pro again, so I'm the only one with Vista in the office. My SP1 experience was a great reminder of that too :D
wow, 726mb for the standalone x64! I wonder what makes it so much bigger than the 32bit version...

O well, will be done in like 6 hrs :p Yay for slow internet.

Yeah the x64 is a little bit larger but it does have 5 languages packed on top of it, so does x86 download as well so keep that in mind. SP1 does fix disk-to-disk copies though thankfully dunno about network.

Found out early on that the 2GB wasn't going to cut it with all of that running so we upgraded both of them to 4GB. One of those desktops has since been formatted and now runs XP Pro again, so I'm the only one with Vista in the office. My SP1 experience was a great reminder of that too :D

Lol nice touch! :) I have 4GB on mine as well, thinking of 8 just for when I do video conversions, run some VMs and feelin a spur of the moment gaming session. I have an XP Pro VM but I don't use it all that often and don't see myself going back to XP again. My laptop runs XP as does my work machine but my personal rig? Only Vista Ultimate. :D
Finally... Anyone have a link for ordering the CD/DVD or know when if/when it will be released (if not yet out), out of curiousity??? Thanks!
ummm what do i have to do to get rid of my beta sp1 version, and reinstall this?
Just go to Add/Remove programs and uninstall the Vista service pack 1 beta you see listed there and install the official sp.
It says:

so should I wait for the official windows update ?
You can wait, I went ahead and just downloaded it, I was ready to accept the fact that my system might keel over but it was worth the risk and it went through just fine.
ummm i dont see windows service pack listed in programs and features.....

im looking under view installed updates, as well as the normal view..

all i see is a shit load of hot fix's and security updates....

either its something very obvious im missing or ..... wait... hidden files maybe?
Lol, yeah I would have told you the exact KB file but I never installed the beta so I didn't know, glad you found it and hope it works for you. Post back once you are installed. :)
It says:

so should I wait for the official windows update ?
It'll be no different; this version just has 5 languages so it's more than you need if you're only updating one computer. If you've got multiple, this lets you download once and then run it on all of them to save bandwidth. I downloaded it to use on my work machine, desktop, and laptop. Works fine.
The bother with SP1 is that it increases disk to disk copy and network transfers from 30% to like 50% according to the document associated with the service pack 1. Plus other fixes here and there but that has been that main concern for most vista users.