Vista to destroy the internet?

I think it's self imposed hype from this guy.......I've not really dug into the details of IP 6 yet....but what it appears Microsoft is doing with Vista..would be correct. Much as everyone wants to hop on the trendy "Bash Microsoft" me how Vista works would be correct.

This guy is saying "Vista will first query DNS from IP 6..and if it doesn't get an will query DNS on IP 4".

Sounds logical to where's the problem?

He's saying it will doom DNS servers with too much traffic. Well..I think that assumption falls under the assumption that no ISPs will be deploying IP 6 DNS servers out there...thus ALLLLLLLLLLL the Visa users will be creating twice the DNS requests across the internet. Thus the internet will have twice the traffic on it.

Err...IMO...I don't think so.

*Vista users will actually be a small percentage of users for quite some time.
*ISPs will be deploying IP 6 DNS servers over time

I don't see where the fire is.
This is a silly FUD campaign by someone trying to up their site rank.

And anyway, of all the things to pick on MS for that are legitimate, why go after this?
Yep, more anti-MS FUD. One thing he forgets to mention it seems is that it will only query v6 if you have an IPv6 address.
Vista to destroy the internet?

Nah, porn, myspace and the hampsterdance did that a loooong time ago.
Yay for more anti-microsoft garbage
Another :D at Hampsterdance...oh man....brought back memories. Working late some nights at a prior place...I'd get bored..crank up the speakers...and let it rip. People start throwing stuff at you to STFU from across the bullpen. LOL
/me thinks MS has it right with the "native" IPv6 stuff in Vista.

Good for them I say. Fuck off I say to those who bash Microsoft without really knowing what they're bashing or why, but rather just bashing MS to be "trendy".

I think the new trend is to bash Sony, but even that's tiresome and annoying now.

I like Ars' quote though, hehe:
ArsTechnica said:
Thus IPv6 was created, which extends the addressable space from 32 bits to 128 bits, or about 3.4 x 1038, which would provide over 800 addresses for every gram of matter on the entire Earth, meaning it should last for the next few years.
*EDIT*: DailyTech needs an editor.
DailyTech said:
a vendor of DNS products were Mockapetris works as chief scientist. Microsoft has said that while vista may cause an increase in DNS traffic it won’t be to the extent that it cripples the DNS system.
A little more traffic to/from DNS servers yes, break the Internet, no. I'm not a MS or Vista fan, but I'm glad they decided to go ahead and implement IPv6 as the default as within it's lifetime were going to run out of IPv4 address and have to start moving to IPv6, this should help aleviate some issues down the road. It's been enabled in UN*X variants for years and has not broken anything yet, the migration to Vista for Windows users over time is not going to hurt anything.