Vista to Server 2k/2k3 issues; help?

Jan 20, 2006
Greetings all,

I’m running into some issues with RDC/TS from Vista to Server2k/2k3.

Here’s the skinny:

My wife works form home a couple of days a week and up until yesterday she’s been running on an older box running XP. In order for her to connect to the office she has to use RDC to connect terminal services site; from there she can get in, use a RSA token and log into her desktop.

Last night I built her a new system, (upgrading from a Sempron to C2D etc…) needless to say a noticeable difference. Anyways we figured to give Vista a try, (new system, new OS, what the hell right?) With Vista I fire up RDC, connect into the TS system as normal, enter the RSA info and are prompted with the login information for the desktop… good sign thus far. After entering the password to get into the desktop I get to see the desktop for about 1 second before the session is ended and I’m kicked out completely. All of the settings are the same across the board etc… What makes this that much more irritating is I can connect into my home server, (XP) from my PC, (Vista), without issue.

Long story a bit longer, I had to set up her old system and a shiny new system is sitting on the floor holding down the carpet. I’ve seen this issue discussed around the web in a few places, (MSBlog etc…) but I haven’t seen much resolution short of upgrading the servers to RDC v6.0.

Does anyone have any ideas on how to get around this short of asking our server admins to get their heads out of their collective arses and upgrade?

My only other thought is to setup VMware on her Vista box and emulate XP Pro; but I’d rather not go through that much just to deal with this.

Thoughts, suggestions; give me hope?

Thanks all