Vista to XP on a Dell 1720 Questions


Limp Gawd
Jan 27, 2005
Ok, I did a search on here and turned up nothing on this.

I would like to put my copy of XP Pro on my 1720.

Does anybody have and links to drivers or advice on problems I might run into?

Thanks in advance!!!
My buddy at work tried that on his 1720 and ended up going back to vista because he had too many problems getting proper drivers and getting them to work, his was better off with vista.

I personally like vista myself I had it running on my 1705 and I have ultimate on my desktop and it performs perfectly fine for me.
I am getting sick of Vista, half my software wont run on it. But thanks for your input. :D

Anybody else?
Can somebody at least ell me how to get some or most of my games to work, I would love to at least get NWN to work.
I take this as one gigantic S.N.A.F.U. to try this and I am stuck with Vista? :D

My buddy at work said he is going to try XP on his 1720 again, evidently dell has XP drivers for the 1520 and its practically the same thing, they even have the video drivers. So maybe check on dells site except look under 1520.
Yeah, shouldn't be that hard to get the drivers. They sell both of those laptops with XP versions so I don't see it as an impossibility. Post back here if there is a specific driver you can't seem to find. The sound card driver should be easy mode, they haven't updated those since E1705 and I'm running it on XP still.