Vista update, slow IE7 and FF2?


Nov 14, 2005
I did the updates recently, don't remember exactly which ones they were, but I can pick them out for you. I updated, and now I am having more trouble now than I have EVER had with webpages. Pictures aren't loading, pages are taking half a minute to load, and sometimes it just acts like I have no internet connection.

Is anyone else having these problems ?

(Edit: It's not just IE7 and FF2, it's also Trillian, mainly when dealing with MSNM or windows messenger connection. A few other things get super lagged at moments but quickly recover.)
Really glad to hear I'm not the only one having this problem. Hope someone has made M$ aware of it, I might have to send in an email or two. If anyone knows a way to fix this (I removed some of the recent updates and it did nothing) I'd really appreciate it.
if you google "vista update slow internet" there seems to be alot of people with this problem...time to read
Sounds similar (not exactly) to a problem I had.
Try running the following commands, reboot the machine, see if it works:

netsh winsock reset
netsh int ip reset

In my case, Trillian, Outlook, IE weren't connecting. IE64 worked, however (And as far as I could tell- that was all that worked).
You can also try turning off autotuning:

netsh interface tcp set global autotuninglevel=disabled

Make sure you run this as administrator (start, cmd, control+shift+enter)
I had this problem on my laptop. A simple ipconfig /release, and ipconfig /renew fixed it for me.
You can also try turning off autotuning:

netsh interface tcp set global autotuninglevel=disabled

Make sure you run this as administrator (start, cmd, control+shift+enter)

i did this but it didnt i uninstalled my nforce drivers and reinstalled and so far its doing good
omg omg omg omg I think that did it.

I retried the /release and /renew after doing the cmd's that zac left and a reset, and I now have access to IE7... Holding my breath.

(edit: /sigh, I still am not getting pictures in IE7, which makes browsing really hard.)
omg omg omg omg I think that did it.

I retried the /release and /renew after doing the cmd's that zac left and a reset, and I now have access to IE7... Holding my breath.

where did u do the /release and /renew? on yuor router? or computer
ok, all it did was free up IE7 a little bit, FF, IE7, and everything else is still slow as hell..
ok, for some reason my port started screwing up and I lost connection to network, net, etc. Took me about 20 minutes of repairing, disabling and a bunch of other stuff to get it working again.

yes, I did. Like I said, I did that, and didn't notice any real help after the reset. So I then tried the /release /renew and started doing better. But then I lost access to some other stuff...

Ok, made a few router adjustments. Vista was being lame and all the stuff yall gave me helped, but after everything is said and done, I guess I will never have to give charter the benefit of the doubt. ;) Like I said, it was working great for a few moments after I tried a few things you guys suggested, then just realized that charter will always be screwy with their DNS, so... GG ;)
Might give OpenDNS a shot...
If you don't know what that is- you basically point your DNS settings in your router to OpenDNS servers. Gives you tons of options if you'd like (Corrects spelling mistakes, can give you most-used domains, etc).

Above all... just more DNS servers that are dependable.
Yeah, we get it set up real nice and then charter steps in and changes, and the cycle continues. This was not started by Charter, it was originally a problem of vista, it just sorta molded together and I didn't think anything about the horrible services I acquire ;).