Vista x64 Question


Limp Gawd
Apr 25, 2008
This may be the 100th thread today, but alas there is no search. I am the verge of going 64 but there are some things holding me back.

1.) While searching for some answers I found this

2. In Vista x64, any driver that is not properly signed will not be able to enter the kernel and will fail to load.

Is this still true? I have countless devices with unsigned drivers

2.) I occasionally develop programs, but will I still be able to develop with MSVS for 32 bit systems? And test my programs?

3.) Is every 32 bit non driver program compatible with x64?
1. This is true, but can be circumvented. Most drivers for any device that claims to be Vista 64 compatible will be signed some way or another.

2. Yes, Vista 64 runs 32 bit programs natively. They may function differently on your machine, however. I have noticed strange quirks in Vista64 that didn't occur in the same programs in XP 32 bit.

3. Not every, but many if not most. I haven't run across a piece of hardware that I couldn't at least trick into working on Vista64.