Visual Studio 2010 makes CPU run hard all the time


Mar 10, 2003
I installed Visual Studio 2010, followed by SQL Express 2008 SP1, then SQL Express Mgt Studio late last night.

This morning I booted up and the CPU has been at 25 - 50% utilization ever since. Even after reboot. I see MS Installer is busy. Doing what? I don't know. I cant run other installs... says installer is busy.

It's past 11:00 a.m. and multiple instances of msiexec.exe running. One is holding steady at 8% CPU usage.

I have a Q6600 CPU and nornall runs well below 5% at idle.

Is this ever going to end, or do I have to do somethings to system.

I'm running Win 7 RC.

Installer was looking for ...

Detection of product '{AA4A4B2C-0465-3CF8-BA76-27A027D8ACAB}', feature 'VSTA_IDE_12590_x86_enu', component '{FF4A39EF-8F8B-4557-9F81-50DC44C6D30A}' failed. The resource 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\Common7\IDE\PublicAssemblies\en\' does not exist.

So, I created an 'en' folder, copied files from parent folder, unsuspended msiexec, install succeeded, and order has been restored.
