Volt Meter for Drive Bays?


Nov 22, 2004
Hello everyone,

I am in search for a volt meter that goes into one of the drivebays on my computer. The reason for this is because my motherboard is not reporting the correct voltages and I dont want to contantly have my multimeter on instead, and lastly would like to constantly know the voltage coming out of my psu. I know CoolerMaster makes the Musketeer that only had one volt meter on it, but I would like something that I can use in a 3 1/2" or 5 1/4'" drive bay that can monitor both the 12 and 5 volt lines on both rails. I mean 2 meters that read around 7.12V for the combined 12V and 5V lines on each of the two rails.
I prefer digital but analog meters work too.
Keep in mind these are premade ones.

If no such thing exists ill have to mod it up! Ill just buy two of these and wire them into my case. Too bad they only come in that ugly red color!


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YEah as I mentioned before I wanted to combine the rails to read 7.xx volts, but the Musketeer only does 1 12V line. Ill just buy a few of those displays mentiuoned above and build my own.
you could just combine the rails to have the muskateer read 7v instead of 12v. after all it does read from 0-12v. no modification to the meters needed. if you wanted you could buy two of these and and switch out one of the meters so you have two on one pannel. but whatever floats you boat.
If you look close that meter reads AMPS not volts. (0 to 9.99A)

I think that you need to look closer :D

Why not get a cheapy Volt meter and wire it in and move the display to your bay slot? or two or three 12v 7v 5v all being read and displayed. a little work and a cool mod.
I hate to be a party pooper but did you notice the online and instore were both out of stock on the meter. the litle volt meter is the direction i was pointing, just move the face to you bay and wire it up and turn it to the correct setting.

Harbor Frieght also has very inexpensive meters, and some are digital, could be a fun mod depending on your application and scheme.
Oops forgot about this thread,

The DigitalDoc as stated above seems to be my best bet for something that is pre assembled. The only thing I am not sure it does is read the 12V and 5V voltages of not one but BOTH rails.
If anyone has dont this mod before please post pics, I am curious as to how it turned out. :)
Oh I almost forgot these are in stock at my radio shack, so I may go with them. I like digital because they are more percise but regardless I still would be able to get a rough idea of the voltages.