Volt mod for mem on IS7


Feb 1, 2001
Hey guys, looking for a good guide on a volt mod for my memory on my IS7 motherboard. Highest the BIOS will allow is 2.8v and I'm looking to go a little higher than that as you can understand :D

Anyone able to point me in the right direction?
bump for the same. my ic7 died so i had to dust off my old is7. got it way back when they put the Gig ethernet on the first couple regulat is7s'
pre1014 said:
bump for the same. my ic7 died so i had to dust off my old is7. got it way back when they put the Gig ethernet on the first couple regulat is7s'

Got the same one mate, great little mobo :)

Anyone able to give us a hand here?
Thanks mate, thought about one of the memory boosters but as you said, I'd rather do it the fun way ;)

Finally got around to doing the mod after having the parts for a few weeks, works like a charm and I can finally get some volts higher than 2.80!!! Shall be playing around with the extra headroom the higher volts give me tomorrow, hopefully will get in a higher o/c too. If anyone is interested, I can post some pics but I doubt anyone is interested in a lowly 2.4C and IS7 :( ;)
heslo said:
Finally got around to doing the mod after having the parts for a few weeks, works like a charm and I can finally get some volts higher than 2.80!!! Shall be playing around with the extra headroom the higher volts give me tomorrow, hopefully will get in a higher o/c too. If anyone is interested, I can post some pics but I doubt anyone is interested in a lowly 2.4C and IS7 :( ;)

I think you'll have an easy time selling it, provided you list ask a reasonable price ;)
Heh, I wasn't looking at selling mate, just seeing if anyone was interested in pics of the mod :)
Did this mod improve memory overclocks significantly? I can't even get my PC4000 to run its rated speed at the "2.8V" supplied by the board. The memory is speced at 250 mhz at 2.8V but barely boots into Windows at that voltage. I'm thinking about getting a booster or doing a mod so I can run 1:1
Helped for me, want to get me some better RAM to see if I can go higher than 250 with some better timings but I recommend you do it :)