voltage issue


Nov 23, 2007
Didn't know where to put this but since it dealt with overclocking, thought it was best to put it here.

So I was overclocking and testing stability for a computer I put together for a friend...
bios was set to 1.21625 or something, under prime95 and LinX it would vdroop down to 1.188 or something...that was on a windows that I install to just stress test stuff.

Completely fine, he wanted just a safe overclock of 3.8, that's fine.

However after I installed a genuine windows, the vcore when "testing" the overclock one final time, now jumps to 1.305! :( I didn't change any settings. Vdroop is enabled (I think that's the correct way it's supposed to be set no?)

Like I said, I didn't change any settings, how the heck is the vcore jumping WAY above what I set?

Under the testing install... idle vcore was 0.9 something... now it's idling at 1.02 or something.

Board is EVGA E758... all components remained the same, the only difference literally was installing another windows.

Anyone have any clue what just happened? I'm going to go look it over this weekend when I'm off from work but wanted to see if anyone knew what the hell happened? First time I've ever seen this and I can't find the correct strings to search for this on Google.

Any help would be much appreciated, thanks in advance!
try turning off the vdroop calibration.. possible you got one of the boards that has a fuxzored vdroop control which a few boards have where it increases the voltage instead of keeping the voltage closer to what its set at in the bios..
that's the weird thing... it was fine until i installed windows over again. Literally 24hr prime test and it was working correctly :( Then when I figured, okay stable, time to reinstall windows, it did this..

I'll try that this weekend though.. that's not really a good enough reason to RMA tho, bah. Isn't it better to have vdroop on than off? oh wells.