VPN router


Supreme [H]ardness
Mar 18, 2000
I need advice on routers that support VPN... I need one wired and one wireless (running a server, want it on a seperate network from all my other comps). I need at least 3 VPN tunnels for each router. Any suggestions? All the reviews for "VPN Routers" especially linksys ones, say that they are complete crap.
On the advice of YeOldeStonecat, I installed three wired Linksys RV08 VPN routers for site to site connectivity between three medical offices. So far they have proven themselves to be very capable and stable for use.
doormat said:
Any suggestions? All the reviews for "VPN Routers" especially linksys ones, say that they are complete crap.

I disagree....if those "reviews" did the RV0 series. I'll admit their earlier befsx and befsv models weren't too hot for VPN tunnels, but the RV082 and RV016 models have proven themselves to me, I've deployed over 15 or so of them so far. I even ran one at home for a bit..so got to use it myself for a long period of time, rock stable and fast.

They support native PPTP VPN, and an IPSec based "QuickVPN" which uses their own software. Some people have issues with their QuickVPN software, I just use their PPTP anyways..and it's rock solid.

Don't get the little RT042 though..stick with the 82 or 16.

I've set them up with "router to router", and "client to router".

While I'm not going to say they're as good as say Sonicwalls or higher end PIX models...."bang for the buck"...I think they hold this market. For 300 or so bucks...you get a good fast unit.
Basically what I'm going to have is VPN from my computer (behind the router) into work (their stuff, using Checkpoint stuff), and then hamachi VPNs between my comp and the server, behind seperate routers (so I can access my server) as well as other hamachi connections.
doormat said:
Basically what I'm going to have is VPN from my computer (behind the router) into work (their stuff, using Checkpoint stuff), and then hamachi VPNs between my comp and the server, behind seperate routers (so I can access my server) as well as other hamachi connections.

Oh...you just need VPN passthrough then...if you're going to VPN from home, to your office...using Checkpoint which I'm assuming your office runs server of sorts which uses that software client.

Just about any router these days supports PPTP/IPSec passthrough. You don't need a router which has a built in server (like the Linksys RV0) for that.
Ah, so any regular router will support VPN-pass through, even if there are multiple VPN connections between my computer(s) and other computers?
why do you need all of the hamachi VPN's? i would think that once you VPN from your computer to your VPN router at work, you'd be able to SSH, telnet, etc directly to your server. that's typically how it works, but your situation may be different.
The server is on my own internet connection (at home). The work and the server are two seperate things.