VPS Host Recommendations


Lord Stabington of [H]ard|Fortress
Jan 8, 2008
I'm shopping around for low-cost VPSs. lowendbox.com has shown be a good resource but I wanted to ask fellow HardOCPers about any VPS services that have shown to be reliable.

I'm currently looking for 15+ GB space & a good amount of monthly data transfer for a low cost (with promo coupons if possible). I also wouldn't mind one that offers 64-bit Linux OSes as well.

I appreciate any feedback.
http://www.linode.com/ looks fun but i don't have any personal experience with them other than reading their website :p. maybe someone else uses them and can chime in
http://www.linode.com/ looks fun but i don't have any personal experience with them other than reading their website :p. maybe someone else uses them and can chime in

i use a linode account that hosts multiple websites, a subversion server, and some css servers to boot. its definitely reliable and fast at least in the socal area.
Linode looks good, too. I'll do some digging since I think I'll go with a VPS next month & transfer everything from Lunarpages. I've become tired of the jailed web hosting plans that barely provide what I'm looking for.
Another +1 for Linode. Their support is great, and the myriad of features from reverse DNS management to backups are just wonderful.
I've been using RackSpace and Terremark for a while... Maybe I'll give these Linode guys a try too.
I use linode right now, running a few sites on it, plus they just upped the amount of RAM they give every VPS. I went from 360 to a nice 512. :cool: Good support, good community, reliable service.
I use RapidVPS. Another USA-owned one that has their own equipment, network/AS# and continual access to their cage. It's pricey but extremely reliable and the customer service is done directly by the guys looking after the machines, and/or the owner.

I would be also looking at Linode as the prices look to be among the best. I've been tempted to give them a spin since it's so affordable, and I believe well regarded.

Rackspace was mentioned, I'm not familiar with their services, but they also own Slicehost, which is priced higher than Linode, but is a bit more full featured. Or at least was, it looks like Linode just added a backup service (lack thereof often cited as a reason to choose Slicehost). A full look at both sites would be required.
I had a look at Linode just to see the pricing and yes, their pricing seems very competitive in comparison to say Liquidweb.and I think one of the reasons why it's less expensive is that they oversubscribe the memory on their nodes. At Liquidweb I get dedicated memory, it's all available to me all the time. I wasn't able to find that "dedicated" keyword at Linode. cPanel also adds to the cost at Liquidweb and nightly backups have always been included at LW.

I think that the bottom line is to compare features carefully and determine what your needs really are. Moving off of Linode should it ever come to that will not be as easy as moving from one cPanel/Plesk host to another.