VR Devs Pull Support For Oculus Rift Until Palmer Luckey Steps Down


Aug 20, 2006
Many seem unpleased with the Oculus founder’s political views and are retaliating. Wait, why does it even matter which candidate Mr. Luckey wants to support?

Several virtual reality game developers have announced that they will stop supporting Facebook’s Oculus Rift VR headset until its founder Palmer Luckey steps down. Developers announced that they will stop supporting the Oculus Rift after The Daily Beast revealed that Luckey raised money for a pro-Donald Trump non-profit through a convoluted Reddit scheme. As Motherboard reported on Friday, Luckey’s Twitter activity has been sympathetic to the alt-right and the bigotry that defines it since March of this year.
So ridiculous. Who gives a damn if Palmer is a moron politically, what does that have to do with oculus? The high inquisition of proper thoughts and behavior are in full force, and my fellow "liberals" are fueling the flames of exterminations and purges.
While I don't agree with Palmer's political stance, it's his right to do whatever he wants to do. The thing I am most getting tired of is how you have to walk some kind of tight rope to do anything anymore. Social media has basically brought back the Salem witch trials, but you can be faceless now.
Luckey supports Drumpf? That actually explains a lot.

OCULUS had the early lead in VR, and then pissed it away. Sold-out to Facebucks, squandered built up goodwill among backers and fans with endless delays and then the weird partnership with Mickeysoft that quietly dropped the multi-platform support, lost momentum by devoting resources (Carmack) and time to the mobileVR crap with Samsung, tried to create artificial lock-in with DRM bullshit, and didn't bother to create a touch input solution until the competition passed them by.

Guy's a complete moron.
I heard he might be white too. This man needs to be stopped, his livelihood stripped, and his children taken to live with an appropriate family. This country disgusts me, in its allowance of freedoms where people can support political figures that upset others.
Can't watch football without getting into politics, can't play video games without getting into politics, can't eat chicken sandwiches without getting into politics...

STFU, everyone has a right to vote as they choose as individuals, and I'd love to hear them explain to the class how Hillary isn't a corrupt lying politician with a basement full of skeletons to us. :rolleyes:

For a second I was thinking, we should publish who these guys are, so half of the country can be sure to avoid their products, but then that'd be just as douchey as they are being.
Hey guys, guess what? The guy has as much of a right supporting Trump as the devs have a right of pulling support. Neither position is correct, but it is their right.

What's going to be interesting will be after the election.
This is just the devs way of bailing on the dying VR "revolution" and trying to score a few points with the anti-Trump SJW tech crowd on the way out.
They should just drop vr support for his childish stupidity if nothing else. He couldn't just donate to his candidate of choice, he had to spend more money on the least effective and childish way to dump on a candidate he disagrees with. Not a good look for a founder. Can't fix stupid no matter how rich...
He couldn't just donate to his candidate of choice, he had to spend more money on the least effective and childish way to dump on a candidate he disagrees with. Not a good look for a founder. Can't fix stupid no matter how rich...
Remember, that Hillary started this though, with $6 million dedicated towards "Correct the Record", which is paying people to astroturf online forums like Reddit to downvote anything anti-Hillary, upvote anything anti-Trump, and post only negative Trump comments and try to divert away from negative conversations about Hillary.

His $10K donation is a pretty small drop in the bucket compared to Hillary's online propaganda team's $6,000,000 budget.
The SJWs can go get fucked and so can those who support them. I am tired of their bullshit and their safespaces and having to tiptoe around because the little cupcakes can't tolerate someone having a different opinion than them. I am tired of the witchhunts, of people getting destroyed for not following the liberal agenda (e.g. Brendan Eich).

You may not agree with Palmer's views but having Gizmodo doxxing his girlfriend and people going after her is a complete coward's move and what I have come to expect from liberals. It looks like even those Gawker got bought out, they are still continuing to write and publish sleaze so perhaps it is time for another lawsuit.
Developers and company's have the right to do what they want. I think it's kinda silly to yank funding from projects because it turns out the top dog is an idiot, but you can do what you want. In their defense, they don't want their products and money support some who represents ideas they find objectionable, so it's a fairly principled stand. Sadly there are no good options this election, not even marginally not bad options. Does anyone have a 35 year old tortoise they want to enter into the election? I might vote for that..
The guy has sold out his crowd-funded startup to the highest bidder, was beaten at his own game by competitors out the gate, had numerous issues with delivery and support, and basically ruined his chances of being the 'benchmark' of his own industry...

I don't know why it's such a huge surprise he's a Trump fan....
You may not agree with Palmer's views but having Gizmodo doxxing his girlfriend and people going after her is a complete coward's move and what I have come to expect from liberals. It looks like even those Gawker got bought out, they are still continuing to write and publish sleaze so perhaps it is time for another lawsuit.

If you think that attacking people personally, making uncalled statements and getting extremely proactive about your political alignment is just liberal agenda deal than you're not doing much better than the people who's views you oppose.

Face it, the political system is broken. Our two party system has been bought out by each side now for ages. People are upset in both sides and instead of relying on their elected politicians to fix the system (which we both know isn't working), they instead hide behind their political affiliations like fans of a professional football team.

Until everyone remembers that nothing gets done unless each side comes to the table and hashes things out (you know governing). We will keep electing politicians from both sides that ignite our flames that only serve to keep the burners going that are supplying energy to the cryostasis chamber that hosts our government.
It's not so much the candidate he support as the group behind that support that he's funding. If you rather than directly supporting the democrats instead secretly funneled cash to "Raging Bull Dykes against all dicks, also the terrorists are right because it's their culture anonymous" then I'm pretty sure people would be equally as pissed.
The guy has sold out his crowd-funded startup to the highest bidder, was beaten at his own game by competitors out the gate, had numerous issues with delivery and support, and basically ruined his chances of being the 'benchmark' of his own industry...

I don't know why it's such a huge surprise he's a Trump fan....
Well, the first part reminds me a bit of Hillary, you know selling out government positions to friends and donors, selling favors to enact government policies to the highest bidder via donations to the Clinton Foundation with unofficial bribes like her $400K a pop short motivational speeches to major banks, non-disclosed illegal "gifts" from foreign nations, and direct bribes like accepting money from a branch of the Iranian government and as a favor hiring a convicted Iranian-American multimillionaire with ties to Tehran as her national campaign finance director in 2008, or along similar lines Huma Abedin who served as Hillary's longtime chief of staff working with Hillary for two decades with ties to the Muslim Brotherhood (who, if you didn't already know, are pretty bad guys).

But I suppose even that is a stretch, and the similarity ends there.

After all, its not like he was responsible for the deaths of Americans in Benghazi through incompetence, then lied about it, then lied to the widows as well, then when finally brought to answer for it argued "what difference does it make" as her defense, or siphoned money off of charities and used the little remaining money to distribute cheap useless drugs to impoverished AIDS patients, defended a pedophile she personally believed was guilty of rape and badgered the 12-year old rape victim to discredit her and then laughed about it in a taped confession, has a "body count" list of now all deceased people that threatened her or her husband's political careers, and somehow without any training or previous experience in the stock market made a 9,987% profit in futures trading of Tyson Foods which was not only one of her major donors but also pushed legislation that helped the company so tremendously, the whitewater and travelgate fiascos where most of the Clinton family friends went to prison but somehow the Clinton's themselves were untouched, abuse of power like getting FBI files on GOP political adversaries and used the IRS to selectively audit conservative opponents, stealing $190K worth of property from the white house including over $14K in vandalism which they believe were intentional pranks by the Clintons, or mishandled classified information using a personal illegal mail server in order to conduct business "off the books" and not only lied about it but had her IT guy wipe the server even after a preservation of evidence order was received, or her lies about knowing anything about wiping it (playing dumb, "like with a cloth???" even though she successfully completed a long course on how to properly handle classified documents and what is and isn't legal), or lies about how she landed under sniper fire to make herself seem brave while forgetting there were lots of cameras there to prove it was nonsense, or her lies and bullying to cover up her husband's affairs (and alleged rapes).

Did I miss anything? :)

Feel free to show even one of the above aren't fact.
If you are going to strong arm or black mail someone else because he doesn't have the same beliefs as you, fine. I won't be buying your product. I haven't bought an EA game since the fallout from them ripping off their devs from rightly deserved battlefield bonuses. I already hated them for killing off so many loved brand names including Sierra.
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If you are going to strong arm or black mail someone else because he doesn't have the same beliefs as you, fine. I won't be buying your product. I haven't bought an EA game since the fallout from them ripping off their devs from rightly deserved battlefield bonuses. I already hated them for killing off so many loved brand names including Sierra.

EA had nothing to do with Sierra. Vivendi are the ones that killed Sierra.
Prejudicial treatment due to someone's political beliefs. Isn't that illegal? Isn't that imposing on his Rights?
Can't watch football without getting into politics, can't play video games without getting into politics, can't eat chicken sandwiches without getting into politics...

STFU, everyone has a right to vote as they choose as individuals, and I'd love to hear them explain to the class how Hillary isn't a corrupt lying politician with a basement full of skeletons to us. :rolleyes:

For a second I was thinking, we should publish who these guys are, so half of the country can be sure to avoid their products, but then that'd be just as douchey as they are being.

That's the problem with playing identity politics, everything HAS to be political. Gotta throw out those social signals, ya know?

As Americans, this story even being published, is nothing but a blatant Pro Hillary hit piece. It doesnt matter if you support Trump Clinton Hitler or fucking Gandhi. Its your right to do so, but to attempt to punish someone financially for their views, is about as anti-consitutional as you can get outside killing or harming them physically. Bravo for being dupes.

Vote for who you want, and why you want too.... and if some useless shitbag tells you your views are racist, sexist, stupid... smile...You have now identified yet another asshole who wants to take away your rights because you disagree with them.

If America elects a racist, sexist, adulterous, thieveing, lying piece of shit as president this year.... fear not! She is no different than her husband. ROFL

As Americans, this story even being published, is nothing but a blatant Pro Hillary hit piece. It doesnt matter if you support Trump Clinton Hitler or fucking Gandhi. Its your right to do so, but to attempt to punish someone financially for their views, is about as anti-consitutional as you can get outside killing or harming them physically. Bravo for being dupes.

Vote for who you want, and why you want too.... and if some useless shitbag tells you your views are racist, sexist, stupid... smile...You have now identified yet another asshole who wants to take away your rights because you disagree with them.

If America elects a racist, sexist, adulterous, thieveing, lying piece of shit as president this year.... fear not! She is no different than her husband. ROFL

It's weird but funny when you insult yourself by talking about yourself in circles like that.
Damn man WFT is going on here? This country is fucked, going to hell in a hand basket. Out of the over 32 million people this is the best we can come up with? These to clowns? Even the tech and cleaning forums are blowing up with political flame wars. Why can't we as a people just come together and take back our country. Enough of the political crap, the woman hating garbage and all the other crap and get along.

As Americans, this story even being published, is nothing but a blatant Pro Hillary hit piece. It doesnt matter if you support Trump Clinton Hitler or fucking Gandhi. Its your right to do so, but to attempt to punish someone financially for their views, is about as anti-consitutional as you can get outside killing or harming them physically. Bravo for being dupes.
Pretty sure this violates nothing about the constitution, seeing as how VR developers aren't a government body.
So ridiculous. Who gives a damn if Palmer is a moron politically, what does that have to do with oculus? The high inquisition of proper thoughts and behavior are in full force, and my fellow "liberals" are fueling the flames of exterminations and purges.

Just like the Nazis. It'd be hilarious if it wasn't so troubling. Trump is no angel but Hillary voters swallowing media bullshit thick and fast are scary. Just go spend 1 minute googling how corrupt her hillary foundation is, LIbyra, Syria, ISIS connections and the rest and it's an absolutely disgusting sham and a blot on USA to have someone like her running for president. Damn african despots are less corrupt than her - she puts them in place!!!
If you are going to strong arm or black mail someone else because he doesn't have the same beliefs as you, fine. I won't be buying your product. I haven't bought an EA game since the fallout from them ripping off their devs from rightly deserved battlefield bonuses. I already hated them for killing off so many loved brand names including Sierra.

Problem is most of the Hillary-ISIS 2016 stormtroopers are SJWs with no job who sit on welfare. So you can't impact their businesses, they'd never have one or the effort and foresight to establish one.