VX924 Backlight


Aug 8, 2005
My VX924's backlight is perfect in the middle, but on the left and right edges it gets brighter, and on the top and bottom edges it is darker. It is not noticeable on bright screens, but it is visible right now as I make this post. In dark games like Doom 3 the backlight uneveness is not that noticeable unless you focus on it, in which case it is quite obvious. It is there, and that fact bothers me.

I think that it is more noticeable to me because I am coming from a long line of CRTs. Is this normal? Is there anything that I can do about it? Will it get better over time?
I tried out 2 VX924's and was absolutely disgusted by the backlight on both of them. Heres a couple blurry pics that shows how bad it was in Doom 3.



How does yours compare to that?
Um, there is a slight chance that it might get better over time, but don't get your hopes too high. A lot of LCDs suffer from backlight leaking, so consider yourself "normal". Of course there is a point where it becomse ABnormal in which case u return or get it fixed. w/o posting pics it's hard to judge ur case.
I tried Samsung 930b and it had horrible leaking, now I have 193p+ and it has no leaking at all.

Deetox, try to increase your shutter speed, the pics are too blurry. I can see some light at the top of the LCD, but it's hard to say if that's leaking or blurry effect.
Those were taken awhile ago, i don't have the monitor anymore. I know the pics are blurry but they're good enough to show what i'm talking about, i'm sure you can see the blue glow can't you? that is the backlight bleeding.
Wow, mines a good deal better than that. Here's a picture of mine with a solid black background.