w00t! I'm on the team


Aug 12, 2003
Let the opteron machine turn in the first work unit yesterday, got another one coming in in about 2 hours, and the big (535) pointer that the old slow P4 machine has been working on will be done in a few days, w00t :D

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waltherone said:
Let the opteron machine turn in the first work unit yesterday, got another one coming in in about 2 hours, and the big (535) pointer that the old slow P4 machine has been working on will be done in a few days, w00t :D

God, my dual optys have been each working on a 490 pointer (different projects) for the past 5 days! almost done!
Welcome aboard......
Too bad for me my production is in the shitter..I lost 3 boxes in a week and am scrounging for replacement parts ....

Welcome to the team! I just joined a few months ago and look at the pointage goodness!

Rather than start my own "I'm on the team!" thread, I'll just sneak this in here:

"I'm back on the team!"

I just switched to the UD team. I was on the F@H team years ago on an old AthlonXP 1700+, now I'm on an Athlon64 3700+. My old vidcard went out, and I was going through real life trouble that prevented me from buying anything for a system for some time.

Back then the [H]orde still had someone to chase in F@H, and now that's pretty much owned.

So now that I'm back, how come more people haven't switch over to help out the UD effort?

I, of course, understand if there's personal reasons for choosing your project.

Here's my cool new badge... (which I'm spreading to all my other forum sigs)

I just prefer the F@H client. Actually I like the BOINC client best but that isn't used for Folding.

ya, what he said!

welcome new folder

and welcome back old folder!
Axion22 said:
Rather than start my own "I'm on the team!" thread, I'll just sneak this in here:

"I'm back on the team!"

I just switched to the UD team. I was on the F@H team years ago on an old AthlonXP 1700+, now I'm on an Athlon64 3700+. My old vidcard went out, and I was going through real life trouble that prevented me from buying anything for a system for some time.

Back then the [H]orde still had someone to chase in F@H, and now that's pretty much owned.

So now that I'm back, how come more people haven't switch over to help out the UD effort?

I, of course, understand if there's personal reasons for choosing your project.

Here's my cool new badge... (which I'm spreading to all my other forum sigs)

is that a team [H] 33 ? I don't know much about UD.