w00t w00t at the CompUSA


Jan 25, 2004
wow. 2.7 with a 30" CD. I never thought I would say this but I think any display larger than this one is TOO big. Bigger displays than this would be a headache.

It looks like CompUSA is reducing the size of the mac store inside here. They have a bunch of windows crap nestled into the corner now and the only mac stuff in out from there 2 whole shelves worth.


Anyone got 3K they could spare? Sure would like to take this 30" home with me today.....you can wire me the cash..... ;)
I just got home. I tried to convince the dood he should just let me have the 30", but he didnt budge. :rolleyes:

I still think the sweet spot is the 23", if you're gonna be buying a Apple unit. CompUSA is swqueezing all of their computers into one area of the store to make room for HDTV;s and home theatres. They need a lot of floor space. I think Best Buy is cleaning their clock. I know bewteeen the two I'd rather go to best buy.
The 30 inch screen is nice. I have the 23 and really like it. I would say the 20 inch is prob the sweet spot though with the 23 just being that much better.
Selecter said:
It looks like CompUSA is reducing the size of the mac store inside here. They have a bunch of windows crap nestled into the corner now and the only mac stuff in out from there 2 whole shelves worth.

The local CompUSA here is doing the same thing. Toshiba laptops have taken over half the Mac section. The one here has a dually 2.7 with the 30" as well. I just question who would buy a toy like that with only the stock 512 megs of RAM...