w00t w00t got a X800 XL today


Jan 25, 2004
My old card was a 9500 Pro, a 200 dollar investment years ago that gave me many years of gaming performance. I got a 9800 Pro and have used it for the past 2 days, Tell you the truth I didnt see a whole lot of difference between the two, the 9800 was better, just not a lot better. I only paid 100 bucks for the 9800, nd a guy will give me that for it, so I decided to take advantage of some lower pricing and got it for 279 clams plus tax. Since I could get a X800 for only 30 bucks less I picked the XL.

What kind of improvement will I see with the X800 XL? How many time faster is it than the 9500 Pro was? I've never had this kind of card before and I dont know what to expect. It's being fed by a 3100+ Sempron ( in sig ) OC 'ed to 2.4 Gigs. What can I expect? How hard can I push it?

My 9500 Pro was amazing card for it;s time and I gamed on it OC'ed to 310/300 for 3 years. I hope to get the same life out of my new card. I think this card at less than 300 bucks is the same kind of bargin as the 9500 Pro was when I paid 200 for it 3 years ago. :D

Excuse the scattershot prose but I am psyched as you can tell!
Since I have used a 9500/9700 pros before, the performance between them and the X800XL isn't THAT mind-blowing, the X800XL is much like 9500, only with 100-150 more horsepower under the hood. The X800XL has an excellent fill rate ability and the memory bandwidth is great, with GDDR3 whilst 9500/9700 had GDDR. X800XL overclocks well also, if you got decent cooling. The X800XL plays the role as the best bang of the buck video card in its price range, it can play Half-Life 2 great and Doom 3 at playable FPS at high resolutions.
I would have had to go another 150 bucks to reach the next level in the Ati lineup, but the difference between the plain jane X800 and the X800 Xl was only 30 bucks! :cool: I like deals like that.
how far can you push it? I'm able to run Battlefield 2 @ 1600x1200 with all settings on high and still maintain around 50's to 70's for framerate. (nothing overclocked)

just for reference...BF2 seems a LOT more stressful on graphics than HL2 or D3 was.
I'm trying to install it now...but I'm a neat freak aboiut my systems and I wanted to get the cabling tied up with tie wraps out of the way, My case is a Antec plusview with the window....I cant find the #*$*%**@**#*$#*@* TIE WRAPS! :mad:

yes I am lame for letting that hold me up....I bet there will be a huge difference from the 9500 Pro.....it was a great value for its days but thats almost 4 years on now.....my buddy is playing Bf 2 on it with the settings turned down and doing well....his last card was a PCI 9250 ! LOL so he got way better too......
Got in there and looking good ......10703 in 3Dmark 03. Was 6012 on the 9800 Pro.

Sound about right for my rig?
I suppose...but I really don't know. I don't run 3dmark stuff. If the games play good...I'm good ;) (just wish the wife saw it the same way :p )
I put on 2X AA just to see what it looked like. I never could run with any AA or AF before....this card seems to not care if it's on or off! BF 2 looks better than I've ever seen it. I'm going to keep fooling with it. I dont game in big resolutions 1027 X 7 is fine with me. I should be able to run some high AA/AF.

I can now call my new rig 'DONE' and simply enjoy the game play. :)
at 1024 resolutions, you should be able to run AA/AF all the way up. I can at 1280x960. I think AA maxxes at 6x and AF is 16x. It looks really nice that way.
yeah, I've never had a 1st tier card before. The best card I ever had was the 9500 Pro before this one! So it wild for me to see what it can do.