Waiting for HL2 / Returning Doom3 to Best Buy

JKA Represent

Limp Gawd
Jul 18, 2004
I was one of the lucky souls (pun intended!) who was able to get doom3 at best buy. After spending about 10-12 hours playing it, Im on the 9th level. So far, I am not impressed. The hype surrounding the game has doomed it to failure (pun not intended). The gameplay is alright, but all of this discussion of graphics and such.....doom3 is not very good graphics wise. Even the heads of characters are squarish!

So, Im going to return it to best buy so I can get my nearly 60 dollars back.

So now Im waiting for HL2, and hope that I will get more satisfaction out of that. Any thoughts of people who have played it?