Wall-E Case Mod

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
The amount of time and effort that went into this amazing Wall-E case mod is mind bending. Every thing you see here, including the tracks and wheels, was made in this guy’s shop.
That's awesome... crazy attention to detail, like the LED in the front.
That's some pretty skillful work. Now to hide the link from my kids. :)
Fantastic job. I've spent some time in a tool shop, none of that is quick work. Oddly I was drawn to this other mod on the site, for a sapphire knife, check it out here.

That mod is pure awesomeness!

Hmm...there is something not right about that knife and them talking about planes :eek:
Best. Mod. Ever.

Good lord, the amount of skill/detail is too much to understand
nvm, i looked again and its MUCH more pwn than sentry case :p
Amazing. I can only imagine how much time it took to build such a piece of "art". :eek:
Don't know what a WallE is but that case is freakin awesome!

Can someone get this guy a kid or girlfriend? :p

On a side note, lawyers from Disney are aboard the M-OU5E drop aircraft waiting for the green light to parachute onto this guy's house. ah-huh!

Now he needs to make an Eve mod! That show's so damn awesome and so is this mod.
What would make this absolutely the most ultimate-ultimate of all mods would be if it had an internal speaker that cried out "Waaalllllleeeeeeeeee"

This is simply amazing. I wish I had the time, tools, and experience to build something like this!
Now he needs to make an Eve mod! That show's so damn awesome and so is this mod.

Eve looks too much like a Mac, you know... effeminate. I'm sure there are female modders that could tackle it.
