WalMart Explores Customer to Customer Delivery


Cat Can't Scratch It
May 9, 2000
WalMart is looking into the possibility of using regular Walmart customers to deliver packages to online customers to speed deliveries while cutting shipping costs for the company. The plan is in very early stages of development and will not get to the testing phase for at least a year.

A plethora of start-ups now help people make money by renting out a spare room, a car, or even a cocktail dress, and Wal-Mart would in effect be inviting people to rent out space in their vehicle and their willingness to deliver packages to others.
I think the organization of that would be a nightmare. What if the delivery guy kept the package, are they on the hook for every package they deliver unless its delivered? What if the customer realizes he can keep it without paying for it if he says he never got it? Then would that put the delivery person on the hook?

I suppose they could release an app for ppl to sign on a smartphone, but again, what if the delivery guy fakes the signature?

And think about it, the delivery person is probably going to one of those people of walmart there's so many videos and websites about. Not exactly trust inspiring.
What's to keep the customer who takes another customer's stuff and replacing what's inside the package with something fake before delivering it to the other customer? This idea is really stupid on Walmarts part and I bet eventually lawsuits galore will soon follow.
It looks like my joke about giving something to a hitchhiking hippie along with a delivery address as the ultimate budget shipping option just may become a reality. Thanks Walmart!
Hell no. The people I have seen at Walmart gives me reasons enough to make sure none of them knows where I live. This is crazy.
IANAL, but in the event of personal injury motor vehicle accidents, I know who we can sue!
boo, i dont want station wagon bubba from the trailer park dropping off my box of magnum XL
I would rather Walmart would take orders at their store for components sold online,to be paid for when ordering and picked at the store,upon email notification.One could print out the online order info page,take it to the store,where the store would scan the order number,charge the amount due and give the customer a receipt,which would be shown to pick up the item.The customers name and address would be on the order,so a lost receipt would not be a problem.All this is, if they ever decide to get competitive with other major sellers of components. As it is,they are way overpriced. With their buying power they could do so much better.
I think this would work better if they partnered with Dominos, Pizza Hut, Papa Johns, etc.