walmart gives netflix a try

Signed up. Thanks for the link. I need to catch up on a few movies. Heh.

EDIT: yea, I just ordered the Simpsons 4th season, sweet!
I've tried both Wal-mart and Netflix. Wal-mart is a bit cheaper but Netflix is much faster and has a much larger selection. But I guess it all depends on location. I'm in Austin and Netflix has an outlet here. I have a one day turn around on sent and received DVDs. So if I get a dvd in the mail on Monday I'll have a new one on Wednesday. Might as well use the free one month and give it a full testing. :)

I think Netflix is still offering two weeks free but if they're not try FRIEND60 as the redeem code.
elation said:
I've tried both Wal-mart and Netflix. Wal-mart is a bit cheaper but Netflix is much faster and has a much larger selection. But I guess it all depends on location. I'm in Austin and Netflix has an outlet here. I have a one day turn around on sent and received DVDs. So if I get a dvd in the mail on Monday I'll have a new one on Wednesday. Might as well use the free one month and give it a full testing. :)

I think Netflix is still offering two weeks free but if they're not try FRIEND60 as he redeem code.

I have the opposite true here. I live in Auburn, AL and the distro for Wally World is in Georgia so the turnover is quite fast.

FYI though, this is not even near new. I tried it around a year ago. Just don't have the cash to keep it up.
elation said:
I've tried both Wal-mart and Netflix. Wal-mart is a bit cheaper but Netflix is much faster and has a much larger selection. But I guess it all depends on location. I'm in Austin and Netflix has an outlet here. I have a one day turn around on sent and received DVDs. So if I get a dvd in the mail on Monday I'll have a new one on Wednesday. Might as well use the free one month and give it a full testing. :)

I think Netflix is still offering two weeks free but if they're not try FRIEND60 as he redeem code.

Same here. Netflix is a one day each way for me as well but Walmart was 2 or sometimes 3 days. Netflix seems to have a lot more cities with outlets. I live close to the Chattanooga outlet of Netfix but the closest outlet for the Walmart outlet was around Atlanta. Netflix does still have the two weeks free deal last time I checked.
I still like netflix more becuz they have dvd's taht i cannot find anywhere

I am signed up for both ATM...

walmart for dvd's taht are out right now..
netflix for classics
elation said:
I've tried both Wal-mart and Netflix. Wal-mart is a bit cheaper but Netflix is much faster and has a much larger selection. But I guess it all depends on location. I'm in Austin and Netflix has an outlet here. I have a one day turn around on sent and received DVDs. So if I get a dvd in the mail on Monday I'll have a new one on Wednesday. Might as well use the free one month and give it a full testing. :)

I think Netflix is still offering two weeks free but if they're not try FRIEND60 as the redeem code.

yea same here i live in dallas and theirs one in coppell i send it out monday i get it in wednesday unless its out of stock talking bout netflix that is
HELL no. Walmart dvd rental stuff is utter shit. We tried them(while we had netflix) because Walmart happened to have the Adia(or Avia or something like that). It's a home theater set up disk that costs hundreds of dollars.

Well, that dvd was always "out" and the others we did rent from them took 2 weeks to get to us. Very slow service.

Maybe they're better now. It's been like half a year.
Ok folks.. the walmart price IS NOT cheaper than netflix.

Fatwallet had a thread on how to get netflix for 14.95 per month.

Just go sign up for the free account. Immediately cancel your free account. Then they will offer you 14.95 for 6 months.

Enjoy... and.. hey, if it doesnt work.. you havent lost anything other than 10 minutes.
I've used Walmart for a few months now and I'm really happy with my service...
The Wal-mart service sucks. Alot of their dvds only come in full screen. Screw that. Neflix shipping is great, usually takes a day or two each way, depending on circumstances. For a while, Wal-mart and Netflix were shipping from the same address here in Wisconsin. Kinda weird, but not really.
elation said:
I've tried both Wal-mart and Netflix. Wal-mart is a bit cheaper but Netflix is much faster and has a much larger selection. But I guess it all depends on location. I'm in Austin and Netflix has an outlet here. I have a one day turn around on sent and received DVDs. So if I get a dvd in the mail on Monday I'll have a new one on Wednesday. Might as well use the free one month and give it a full testing. :)

I think Netflix is still offering two weeks free but if they're not try FRIEND60 as the redeem code.

Yep, I live 15 minutes from Austin and I get an awesome one day turn around. Netflix is worth the extra money. Better selection, faster service, and you're not supporting an evil company like Walmart
So I hear people saying that if you call Netflix to cancel your subscription, they'll offer you a better price. Does anyone know if they'll do this on the 8 movies at a time plan?
i signed up cause i lived about 5 miles from the distribution center... however, they changed from their headquarters to some place in georgia... so i cancelled it cause i don't like waiting 4 days to get my movies

go to blockbuster and sign up for movie-pass... 5 bucks a month more... but unlimited, and you get your movies when you want them, not 4 days later
Verge said:
i signed up cause i lived about 5 miles from the distribution center... however, they changed from their headquarters to some place in georgia... so i cancelled it cause i don't like waiting 4 days to get my movies

go to blockbuster and sign up for movie-pass... 5 bucks a month more... but unlimited, and you get your movies when you want them, not 4 days later

But then I'd have to go outside and leave [H]... :(
I've been doing a lot of research into the online rental services and I've been amazed at all the problems. I get 4 DVDs out for $21.95/month through Walmart. I can usually end up getting around 6 in a week. I have had no problems whatsoever with Walmart and I am very happy. I do not even get charged for broken discs. I'm prolly going to create another Walmart account so that I can get 8 at a time.
Netflix has a better selection, and as far as turnaround is concerned Netflix wins again. Too bad for WalCrap.
I wonder if Wal-Mart's movies are specifically edited like their CD's? Oh well, they also have a lot of full-screen editions, too. Ughh. Netflix for me.