Wanna see the Xbox360?


Supreme [H]ardness
Oct 31, 2003
Check it out...captured with a camera phone during the taping of the MTV showing....



borrowed from www.engadget.com

Optional HDD....customizable faceplates...wireless controllers..wireless headset(rumor..can't tell from the pic)...eye-toy-like camera!


Oh, and this is today's reward pic for the ourcolony thing...shows off a small portion of the faceplates that you will be able to buy...

They will cover the enitre console...not just aroung the power button.

It is rumored that there were 3 'towers' at the MTV taping...like the plexi you see in the pic. Possibly showing off the 3 different options for 'bundles'.


Also from engadget
The remote!

Hmmm...that little logo at the bottom looks familar....Windows Media Center---

It does have a 'Record' and 'Live TV' button....DVR?

again...from Engadget
Close up of controller!

Notice the plug in the middle? LIVE headset plug-in. The silver round button...with the 1-2-3-4 around it...just like the Wavebird...for selecting what controller you are...wireless confirmed! YAY!

Visual perspective...(it is only slightly smaller than the PS2, very slightly.)

Some rumors floating around at a few different places in regaurds to the retail price and bundles. If it changes I will update it here. But so far:
Bundle One: Console, controller, and basic needed cables. $299.99
Bundle Two: Console, controller(s), cables, Remote, HDD (with 'extra' content pre-installed). $360.99

See what they did there...Xbox 360....$360. ;)

Also, there was no mention of the camera, so that looks to be an optional seperate purchase for now.


So far the specs that Circuitbreaker8 made a thread about are true.

Some juicy LIVE details for you:
There will be two versions of Xbox Live. Silver is free (everyone gets it), and Gold is a paid subscription, like the current XBL. It looks like Xbox Live will be free on the weekends for everyone; Gold members will get it all the time, obviously. Current Xbox Live accounts will carry over to the 360 and become Gold Xbox Live accounts. Both Gold and Silver members will be able to download demos, trailers, and other content through XBL.
So no worries for you LIVE'ers who just renewed.
I think they should have done a little better on the design because you know Sony has a wicked design in store but I like it. It will look nuch better once they throw the silver paint on it...or is that the color? Naw they wouldnt be that foolish. ;)
36 people are now fired....

Looks cool, Wireless controllers as standard=good
jonneymendoza said:
why r 36 people fired?
The design team.

And good riddance to them. Another device that isn't stackable with other equipment due to its dorky curvy shapes. Good thing I'm not going to get one.
uhmmm...dude. The bottom is flat/very slight curve...notice the feet?
The top doesn't look flat to me, but it's hard to tell from the picture. Is it?
corebreach said:
The top doesn't look flat to me, but it's hard to tell from the picture. Is it?

Don't know about the top...haven't got a hold of another pic yet.

I would suspect that it has at least some curvature to it.

I personally like...even stock white like that. Just something about it that appeals to me.
I wonder how long it will be until the news sites pick this up, and how much longer until MS contacts HardOCP. This is the only picture on the whole thing on the web at the moment (ourcolong half shots dont count), as far as I can tell, and for that you should be proud.
I got it from engadget. I should edit that into the first post.

They did just put it up minutes ago though.

First one to bring it here.....I'll take that. ;)
Looks OK to me, but rumors seem to have been right - its ipod white, wireless controllers, etc etc

Im planning to get one :D

Edit: is that a Camera on the bottom right? Like the equivalent to Sonys Eye-Toy?
that looks pretty hot, I cant wait to get my hands on one. i wish they would make a console that was the same dimensions as a standard receiver though, think of how nice your stack could look if everything was the same size.
jonneymendoza said:
why r 36 people fired?

Well because its pretty obvious MS Doesnt want anyone seeing it so soon, and it's obvious somebody with access took the pic (either an MS or MTV employee), and it's obvious that there were a bunch of people who worked on security etc.

hence, 36 people, 1 person taking the icture, 35 in charge of making sure no one TAKES a picture
Yup....it was rumored long ago...but went mum on the rumor mill since. I think it is cool.

There was in interview up on Gamertagradio with someone that was at the taping(but MS asked them to take it down)...they said they used a scanner to put someones face into a game. Maybe this is what the camera is for...among other things.

Also...Perfect Dark Zero was played at the taping. Among a new Medal of Honor game(described to feel like BattleField), and a midevil RPG.

I am looking for more pics now.

BTW...everyone that attended the taping...guest..crew...etc...had to sign hefty NDA's. I guess someone will be added to the missing persons reports.
I don't know if [H] has signed a NDA with MS on the Xbox360, but TeamXbox has and they are not allowing the image on their forums.

I know Engadget signed one...they did a short news thing on it....but they are showing the image, so who knows what is going on.

Again...I personally like the stock look of it. Can't wait for the 12th.(that is when the MTV showing for the Xbox360 will air)
corebreach said:
The design team.

And good riddance to them. Another device that isn't stackable with other equipment due to its dorky curvy shapes. Good thing I'm not going to get one.

just so you know, stacking devices like that isn't really good for them....

not that I will be getting one either... ;)
Yup it did...it is noted and linked underneath the pic in the first post. Also...see post #11.
Munka said:
just so you know, stacking devices like that isn't really good for them....

not that I will be getting one either... ;)

Most hi-fi and AV kit is designed to be stacked, but ideally it should be used on a Hi-Fi shelving unit/rack. As long as there is ample ventilation there will be no problem.

As for the 360. I like it. I will probably pick one up at some point.
So is this the system with the video card thats supposedly faster then the R520?

I am keeping an eye open for the leak of the specs, but I don't expect them because non were mentioned at the taping of the show I believe.

Updated the first post with close-up of controller!
Wow, great to see some originality in the design... (note my sarcasm) Body is definately modeled after apple products, they could have at least made the color a little different... AND that controller looks very similar to a PS2 controller....
ScreamingBroccoli said:
Wow, great to see some originality in the design... (note my sarcasm) Body is definately modeled after apple products, they could have at least made the color a little different... AND that controller looks very similar to a PS2 controller....

are you joking? If anything the controller is a copy of the original Xbox controller, and the only real diffrence with an AApple product is the color
Don't mind the MS haters. They tend to dislike anything white, basing their dislike off the false assumption that Apple has a patent on the color white. :rolleyes:

Besides...the PS2 controller looks nothing like it.
michealo said:
that thing is huge
um it supposedly houses a 3 core 3ghz plus ppc chip and a console equiv to the r520 wit patented edram,controller NOTHING like that piece of shit ps2 thing that isnt worth a rats ass. xbox s controller is the best controller(not counting a mouse)for fps's yet,and that jus looks reshaped and new buttons. same layout and placement
X-Box has the most terrible controller... as I can see, the nextbox isn't an improvement. Also, it's not an R520 equivalent, it's an R500 equivalent (less power than R520). Not to mention the 3 preported CPUs inside have their ass handed to them by any dual-core intel or amd setup that's coming. Apparently these things can only do 2 IPCs each. As I see it, Microsoft's next system is just a power push, and too early at that, nothing new or appealing to me.
corebreach said:
The design team.

And good riddance to them. Another device that isn't stackable with other equipment due to its dorky curvy shapes. Good thing I'm not going to get one.
I stack crap on my Xbox. You have to be careful though because there is no grip and it can slide off. I would have liked a flat top but it is not like the PS2 was stackable either.
steviep said:
X-Box has the most terrible controller... as I can see, the nextbox isn't an improvement. Also, it's not an R520 equivalent, it's an R500 equivalent (less power than R520). Not to mention the 3 preported CPUs inside have their ass handed to them by any dual-core intel or amd setup that's coming. Apparently these things can only do 2 IPCs each. As I see it, Microsoft's next system is just a power push, and too early at that, nothing new or appealing to me.

Where did you get your info from? :confused:
Yeah...I have been looking for leaked specs...where did you get yours from?
steviep said:
X-Box has the most terrible controller... as I can see, the nextbox isn't an improvement. Also, it's not an R520 equivalent, it's an R500 equivalent (less power than R520). Not to mention the 3 preported CPUs inside have their ass handed to them by any dual-core intel or amd setup that's coming. Apparently these things can only do 2 IPCs each. As I see it, Microsoft's next system is just a power push, and too early at that, nothing new or appealing to me.

the R500 is faster then the R520

And ya, did it hurt, the way you pulled all that out of your ass there?
IGN reported on prelim specs a while ago. They said something along the lines of "9GHZ of POWER" which we all know is not true... 3 x 3 /= 9 in the PC world. Don't remember the link, but it's on IGN XBox somewhere. 2 IPCs each CPU they said... ech.
R500 faster than R520? (it will be more capable, in the sense that it will basically have the DX 9.5-type features, but definately NOT faster) speaking of pulling things out of your ass... don't start a flame war here, this thing just won't appeal to me, at least until its price drops below $300 US.