Want to build a Folding@Home PC


Limp Gawd
Dec 19, 2006
I want to build a Folding PC but for around $500-$600. No worries about a case for the time being. I wanted it to be some what "power efficient". I have a DVD drive and a 550W PSU.


I'll be running Linux on it. Hope that helps.
In that range, and for something that doesn't eat up power, I think the 2600k is probably the best option still.
If ist just for folding, the m/b doesn't need to be anything fancy, you only need basic features.

Don't worry about an SSD - get a cheap low capacity SATA HDD and leave it at that - even a laptop drive will do.
Power efficiency is more subjective - how much does your electricity cost and what PSU are you going to use?

Oh and apologies for getting your thread moved - thought you would get a quicker response in here.
Nathan p, no problem. I'm at work anyways so I'm just dropping by ever so often.

550w corsair psu is what I have.

I might keep the system without a case for the time being so I'm not rushing to get one. I'm trying to keep it as cheap as possible also. 2600k sounds good. Asrock mobo looks decent. Dookey, it looks like I can get away with that list. That looks good. Asrock decent at Overclocking?
Yep, Asrock has really stepped it up. You shouldn't have any problem OCing very well with that board.
talk to Wfeather I heard he is trying to sell his 1155 system....might make it even more economical to start out...
Buying used for the CPU will save you a bit and CPUs very rarely fail so I would get at least that used if you are on a budget.
Not sure on the sale of my sb system quite yet......2600k in linux is still a good go to solution
yea... my 2600K @ 4.6 coolermaster 212 cooled boxen is a sweet 36000 PPD for very little electricity. This is an excellent plan here.

Alright. So I decided on either the 2600k or 2700k depending on who's on sale when I get it. Stupid question. I only have money for the board and cpu as I already have a DVD drive, RAM and a PSU. I don't want to use a case because I have no extra cash for it. What can I mount the MOBO on without having a case? Is it possible to have a CPU work without a case?
Just use standoffs and place it on a table....cases are not needes
Cool. The extra couple of $$$ will go towards the beer. Need beer when building PC. That's a must.

Thanks all for the info and recommendation. I'll be working on it soon.
Cool. The extra couple of $$$ will go towards the beer. Need beer when building PC. That's a must.

Thanks all for the info and recommendation. I'll be working on it soon.

I thought it was mojo that was needed when building a new rig??
Mojo also. I'll include it but beer is so awesome.

They have the 2500k for $180 at my local store with a coupon. Is the 2500k a good folder?
2500k is not a bad chip for folding, but if you are making a dedicated folder, go straight to the 2600k/2700k. The Hyper Threading (HT) makes all the difference since the F@H client utilizes those HT cores very well.
well, i had some extra money today and i got me a 3570k and p8z77-v board. this will most likely be my new gaming rig till i get my i7. for now i have it folding while i game on my phenom 555be. 3570k is on ubuntu. it's butt naked right now. no case. just the mobo box. lol.
i just need to get my cooler so i can OC now.

my stock cooler has me at 80c at the moment.
Everything is up and running nicely. I'm turning in WU like I should. At least I think I should. Temperature are around 50-56c on max load. My question is my FAH setup. I see that I'm getting around 13-18k on the 3570k. I thought I'd get more. I have the settings all on default. Should I change anything in particular? I'm running SMP client version 7 in Ubuntu 12.04.
You do know that i5 plays games as good as if not better that I i7s right?
I'm not really to worried about gaming on it. That wasn't my main goal really to get the 3570k. I got it mainly for FAH. I have it as a Ubuntu rig also. Until Steam gets it going with Linux, then I'll slap on the HD 6850 I have and I'll do some gaming on it. But it's not for that.
Make sure you have your config setup to use your passkey - and remember it takes 10 WU's to be submitted with the passkey before you start getting awarded the bonus points.
Slightly off topic but... Anyone with this setup know what the actual power draw at the wall is? OC'd and at full load?
if you're only going to fold then dont waste money on $50+ on a hard disk
just buy a fast 8gb usb and run ubuntu from it