Want to buy a BD7-RAID


Limp Gawd
Sep 20, 2000
I have been using a BD7-RAID for quite some time now. Last night when I came home I found it was frozen. My brother-in-law visits after school and usually plays on it then leaves shortly after I get home. Anyway, back on track. It won't boot up now. It only gives me a 00 message on it's boot process viewer. I'm fairly certain it's a goner and am having a tough time finding a replacement to buy. I would love to just buy a new MOBO, but I don't want to lose the data on my RAID array. It's a RAID-0 so I'm basically hosed unless I replace it with a MOBO that has the same RAID controller. So, if anyone has one to sell, or knows of where to get one please let me know. Please send me an email. If you are legit I'll give you my business emaill and contact info. I only use this email address because it has more spam than Monty Python. -GB

[email protected]
not matter what the excuse you have to post a non-free e-mail sorry...I know you have one since you need one to register for the forums...but I do know there is a guy on the forums selling this board because he offered it to me but I forgot his name. If I can find him I will tell you. Thanks