Want to find a purple video card.


Aug 11, 2003
Im building some pc's for testing, and they'll be running naked. they've got built in sound and lan, but no video. The motherboard pcb's are purple, and i'd really like to find a cheap vid card thats purple. anyone know of some purple vid cards that i can start looking for?
and if worse comes to worse black.
The cards only have to be about 8mb, pci or agp, and preferibly low profile.
If you've got any leads on a card that fits those requirements, let me know & thanks.
Its called spraypaint :rolleyes: :p j/k. Dont do it, but if you want to...im not stopping ya. And if you do it, please post pics :D

Newegg has pictures, limit your search to what you want and look at each card individually. I just know performance, so I dont memorize colors. I just know that ATi's card (that they make) are all red.
spray painting a video card, hmmm.

If you used a non-conductive spray-paint it might work. NON CONDUCTIVE

Remove the fan/heatsink and tape up the GPU core so you can get good mating afterwards.

Spray down. I would be concerned about how much the spray insulates the card and holds heat in not allowing it to be dissipated.

Interesting though. I wouldn't try it.
Brent_Justice said:
There is a GeForce 4 card from ASUS, I think TI 4600, that is purple.

I had an MSI ti4600 that was purple too.
Im mostly looking for cheap cards, i'll probably just use vnc or something to access these after i get them setup, so performance isnt to much of an issue.

Spray painting sounds semi interesting. any ideas on what types of paint are non conductive or do they say it on the can. oh, and anyone know of some pics of this?

Thanks so far, checking on some of the mx cards.
Get one of those purplse 5200's he posted, since you wont be gaming with it, it'll do you just fine and they are still cheap.
