Want to get the iMac 27inch - when to pull the trigger?


Supreme [H]ardness
Apr 9, 2002
Hey guys!

So I want to get the iMac with the 27" monitor. My budget is around $1500, so the lower model will fit in with a little extra ($100 or $200 more is okay).

I was wondering if now is a good time to pull the trigger? Or, wait for some back-to-school sales in August?

Is there a newer version of this coming out? If so, would this one get cheaper? I don't need the newest or fastest.

Thanks for any input!!
I'm sure we'll see a spec bump here when ML releases. The current model is a year old. Larger redesign next year is the word. I'd wait to buy when ML ships.
Cool! Thanks, guys!!! Definitely can't wait for it!!! I'll use it for work and it'll be a nice tax write-off for me :D
I would say wait until mid/end of August, if there have been no solidified rumors by that time then you are pretty much guaranteed that it will be and early '13 release. I picked up my 21.5" iMac last year right after the release and love it, figure for what I do it will be more than ample for me, just need to add a NAS and some extra ram down the road.
anticipating speedbump for back to school this year with ivy components.
redesign at back to school next year that nixes the dvdr, includes built in ssd with extra space for a 2.5inch expansion. this will likely include retina (if production of such large panels is plentiful) and be a much thinner profile running haswell.
There has ben a recent post on AppleInsider about the iMac refresh. They are saying Fall, likely October/November. Looks like it will probably be just a processor/component upgrade though, no retina display.
There has ben a recent post on AppleInsider about the iMac refresh. They are saying Fall, likely October/November. Looks like it will probably be just a processor/component upgrade though, no retina display.


anticipating speedbump for back to school this year with ivy components.
redesign at back to school next year that nixes the dvdr, includes built in ssd with extra space for a 2.5inch expansion. this will likely include retina (if production of such large panels is plentiful) and be a much thinner profile running haswell.


These things aren't that hard to predict.
I'm tempted to get a refurb now, but I'll wait to see what kind of bumps we get. Not holding my breath for a retina display though.
Knowing Apple, they'll probably release a stand alone Retina display at some point, considering their new Macbook. I'd wait.
I'd wait until Mountain Lion is released at the end of July, wouldn't be surprised to see a spec bump to Ivy Bridge CPUs, new GPUs, USB 3.0 (and hopefully more reasonably priced SSD upgrade options!)

I don't think the iMac will be getting a Retina screen redesign until 2013 at the earliest, probably 2014
I'm tempted to get a refurb now, but I'll wait to see what kind of bumps we get. Not holding my breath for a retina display though.

Get the refurb now. Enjoy the machine now. No point in waiting when resale values are so high.
Get the refurb now. Enjoy the machine now. No point in waiting when resale values are so high.

I bought my mac back when it was refurb and have had no regrets about it. With the quad core and 1GB 5750 I still don't see a point in upgrading as of yet. It still handles what I need it to do day to day.

Like he said, buy the machine now(Refurb), and enjoy it now. Don't wait.
I bought my mac back when it was refurb and have had no regrets about it. With the quad core and 1GB 5750 I still don't see a point in upgrading as of yet. It still handles what I need it to do day to day.

Like he said, buy the machine now(Refurb), and enjoy it now. Don't wait.
unless you need it right now, I'd recommend waiting until end of July as a lot of people thing that's when the refresh may be released
even if it's not a significant upgrade, prices on the 2011 models will drop significantly compared to where they are today
Buying now vs waiting a month or so would be a tragic mistake. It's worth waiting simply for usb3.
can you get the 27in with only $1500? i been thinking about getting one for myself also. (possibly replacing my pc)
As has been said, you should wait. It should be released soon, likely in July alongside Mountain Lion. It's well over the normal refresh cycle for the iMac (400 days vs average of 270) so it's definitely coming!
Rumor is that the redesign is coming in '13.
That's for the Mac Pro only, not the iMac -- though it was mistakenly thought it would be for the iMac as well.