want to practice for hyper-v cert exam... possible to set up home lab?? help pls!


Mar 25, 2004
is it possible to set up a home lab type installation of server 2008, and install hyper v, in order to practice for the exam? Without having a heavy-duty server available at home?
yeah if you have a valid lisence (MSDN / technet) you could install server 08 onto VMware then use as you would normally

i presume server 08 may also work on virtual PC

alternitively server 08 is not much different to Vista so just do a fresh install of server 08 and install vista drivers you should be fine from there!
do you think a pentium 4 2.0 ghz can handle it? purely to test configurations and such... I think it has 512mb of ram
that would be painful. doable, but painful. you'd be better off running it inside of workstation 6.5 (60 day trial) on a decent box, if possible.
I think hyper-v detects if you have something like VMware tools installed. I remember having some issues with hyper-V install after playing around with vmware server.

It might have been I was trying to install Hyper-V after using the same box for vmware server, I can't remember
Posted via [H] Mobile Device
If you decide to use a fresh installation of Server 08 (IMO you should), then you may have to have a CPU/ BIOS that allows for hardware virtualization to be turned on.

If you can spare the machine, and have the client lisence then it'll be a very good way to learn how to setup VMs. I would use a combination of Win7 RC and other Server 08 VMs to play around with.

Try doing a fresh install of Server 08 with just Hyper-V. Setup and run a Server 08, and a Win7 VM. On the server08 VM add IIS and on the Win7 VM point the browser to the IP of the server 08 VM.

In a virtualized environment RAM is used up pretty quickly. Pick a spare machine with a decent amount of memory. Remember you assign memory to the VM, so for a 2 VM setup running on a server core you probably need 2GB of RAM on a Core brand CPU. Obviously a multi-core CPU would be beneficial in a big way.
how about through virtual box, on a core2duo with 4gb of ram?

This would be a good machine to play around on. If you have another HDD just swap them out so you will not have to screw up your base OS. You should make every attempt to do a fresh install of Server 08.
Are you talking about 70-652? If so, just use Microsoft's eLearning courses as linked here. I went through those, having only setup and briefly used Hyper-V previously, and passed with 96%. The exam, as long as you are confident with the material in the courses above, is very easy.
Is there any way to buy a bulk subscription or something because there are 6 e-learning "courses" listed and each one is 40$...