Want to start an organization on campus...


Aug 3, 2003
What do I need to know...

It just occured to me that all the students who sit and download music and pr0n on campus could better use their comps to fold... at the very least while they sleep.

I thought about starting an oprganization on campus that would support and make students aware of DC. So if I attempted this what would I need to know? What information would I need to give students and is there an easy way for computer-illiterate to start folding at night? I mean I know of the screensaver but some students seem to like the scrolling text :rolleyes: .

Anyway thanks for any input you can give me.
you do not really need a new club. I suggest you talk to the biochem club in campus if you have one. They can help with publicity and you can use the contacts to get professors to advertise Folding@Home in their lecture. This will have a greater impact than fliers.

If you want/have to start a new club to get Folding@Home rolling, you need to check with your office for student organizations or something for the list of things that you need to do before the organization is set up. Basic things would be, statement of purpose, faculty advisor, constitution, list of officers but it can vary according to your campus.

Hope this helps, post back with any questions.
this may just be my campus (although i highly doubt it) but most of the students here have laptops. i'd say about 90% of students in the dorms, as well as about 70% of students off campus. I think that people with laptops will be a bit more reluctant to fold because of the fans that kick in and other stuff.

magnusvir said:
you do not really need a new club. I suggest you talk to the biochem club in campus if you have one. They can help with publicity and you can use the contacts to get professors to advertise Folding@Home in their lecture. This will have a greater impact than fliers.

If you want/have to start a new club to get Folding@Home rolling, you need to check with your office for student organizations or something for the list of things that you need to do before the organization is set up. Basic things would be, statement of purpose, faculty advisor, constitution, list of officers but it can vary according to your campus.

Hope this helps, post back with any questions.

I understand how the Student Org stuff works I was just wondering if anyone had more info on Folding cuz I am pretty new at it. It just seemed that a college campus would be an untapped resource.
d34dly said:
I understand how the Student Org stuff works I was just wondering if anyone had more info on Folding cuz I am pretty new at it. It just seemed that a college campus would be an untapped resource.

Here is a ppt from Carnival Forces on getting mass b0rgs. It is meant for high school but works for college.

There is also a large amount of resources in the official folding website under the science and the results section. The results section would work better in getting profs onboard and hopefully they might talk about it in their classes.