WANTED: Corsair Dominator GT 12GB kit (will trade 6GB GTX2 kit for it)

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Feb 27, 2007
So I have found that I really would like to have 12GB ram in my main rig. The thing is I have an EK ramblock that is made for Corsair Dominator ram, thus I need to keep with that style of RAM.

I am currently running 6GB Corsair GTX2 sticks. Just do a google search for Corsair GTX2 and you will quickly find out this is some of the best ram EVER made.

I would like a straight up trade, the ram I am running is legendary stuff (I just don't really put it through the ringers like it is meant for).

EDIT: 3x4GB kits only. No 6x2GB kits. No overclocker worth their salt would run six sticks with i7's anyway.
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to the top, feel free to send me offers I am willing to sell them outright if I need to.
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