WANTED: HTC Vivid / Samsung Galaxy SII

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Sep 16, 2007
Looking to make the jump from the free Nokia dumb phones I've survived with the last few years in the face of the absolute explosion of smartphones. Hopefully I won't become another one of those people with their faces glued to their phones 24/7; I like to think these Nokia dumb phones have been a real asset in terms of forcing me to learn how to carry on an actual phone conversation. :) But enough rambling...

Looking for an HTC Vivid or a Samsung Galaxy SII. Budget's around $300, willing to work on a number if you are too. Other models I've looked at: Samsung Galaxy S, LG G2x, HTC Sensation, Amaze, HTC HD2. Just looking for a good deal on a nice phone; nothing too dinged up, accessories welcome.

Heatware under the same handle, can pay via Paypal or Amazon. Located at 95037. Thanks for looking!
what carrier? l will have a Nexus S going up here soon, PM interested
I have an unlocked international Galaxy S II. Not sure if you're AT&T or T-Mobile, but it doesn't work with T-Mobiles 3G (Edge works).

Looking for more than your $300 budget though :(

Bump anyway.
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