WANTED: Swiftech MCW462-UH w/Xeon hardware.

Jeff Foley

Limp Gawd
Jun 28, 2002
I could kick myself because I sold three of these about 6 months ago for like $20 each shipped. ;)

Now I'm head over heals into Xeons and I'd like to get a few of these heatsinks because they are pretty good blocks and should be cheap on the 2nd hand market.

Ideally I'd like to get a couple but I'm even interested in singles.

BTW, I don't care how they look as long as they are in good functioning shape.

You can PM me here or email me at jeff ***at*** adventurevision.com.
(sorry for not including an email addy last time ;))
I'm also looking for just the Xeon mounting hardware. I have a MCW462-UH block here that is only missing it.
I bought one for $15 and have an offer for two more at $33 each... anybody else have a one(or more) for ~$15 to $20 including delivery?