Wanting an iPhone


Jun 13, 2007
I been wanting an iPhone but before they were always very expensive.
But since the new 4G suppose ot come out soon.
The older model seem to be sold more used.
I was wondering is the 2G still worth getting or does it have to be 3G ?
Main reason i wanna get it is for small games and apps.
Since i am with T-Mobile i woudlnt be able to use the 3G any way, so i would be forced to use the Wifi any way.

Also i tend to like the aluminum better but i dunno 3G or 2G o_O
I am currently using the 2G on T-Mobile and can't wait to get rid of it. The phone is nice but it is so painfully slow compared to even the 3G let alone the 3GS. If I were you I would look at getting one of the newer Android phones that work on TM.
I'd hold out for the 4G release of the iPhone to see if any other carriers pick it up.
I'm using an iPhone 2G on Tmobile prepaid. I can't really complain about the speed of the operating system. I have a friend who has a 3G, and we have compared it side to side using the same apps, and there is no difference that I can see. Call quality is excellent, text messaging works great. Only complaint is that battery life isn't superb, but, seeing as it's a pretty old phone now, that's understandable. I can't make it more than two days without recharging. Used 3Gs are usually a lot pricier, and I don't really see a reason to get one over the 2G. The 2G is a little bit thicker, so if being svelte is your goal, get the 3G, otherwise, I think a 2G would be fine.