War of the Roses looks amazing.

As a HUGE fan of mount and blade, I am very excited for this! Plus, owners of any Mount and Blade title get a Steam discount!
Discount me.. i did enjoy warband for a good amount of time. Im interested to see how this game turns out
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Just watched a video on Gamespot for it. Looking pretty good, anyone with a Mount and Blade title on steam gets 20% off. Gotta get it, I love that time period in history and the Plantagenets fascinate me.

Here's the link to the demo with one of the developers.
I enjoyed the beta but from what I understand they shut it down until release.

No servers up at the time of this edit.
the beta is still going , i was playing the other night ... you have to log into the games website and get the beta pw so you can see the servers
I enjoyed the game. Heck I got a big kick out of it. But it quickly lost my interest after a couple of days. Of course, it's just the beta, so a lot of motivation for playing is absent. I'm more reserved about my excitement now, none the less.
I logged into the beta, didnt get any games, so I uninstalled i >.>

It was like no one was playing... and it was maybe a week after I got my key. Maybe I did somethign wrong
Those of us that preordered can play the full game now. Just install the full game and launch it.
OH MY LORD, I have so much shanking I am missing out on! Thank you for the heads up.

Now I just need to balance this with Borderlands 2, Torchlight 2, Diablo 3, Minecraft, Guild Wars 2, Skyrim: Dawnguard, Sleeping Dogs and Saints Row 3!

Can't get to it at work but thank you for the link, sir!

Just got home and downloaded it, thank you!
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That is all. Back to ruining people's brains.

That is all. Back to ruining people's brains.

Until it breaks...

Crossbowing charging knights in the head is fun and easy! It's like strafe battles from older FPS, and you can do it from point blank range! You can get 1 shot before the knight sees you and another while he runs in a straight line towards you! Normal infantry sidestep and move around, but the knights are on rails. Stand near a wall and once they charge they are even easier targets for everyone else!

If that fails just kill the horse and beat the rider while he's down. Or reload and crossbow him in the face. :D
Most of them fall off and are like... What happened? By that time I have plunked them across the noggin a few times. :)
I'm very confused by horses in this. In the alpha/pre-alpha when we all had access to everything the general consensus was that horses were a liability and everyone hated them as you couldn't hit a house by running into it. haven't been able to unlock one in the beta yet, but horses are fucking massacring people now, to the point where it's not even fun.
I think it's Toledo steel, but if you grab the steel type that lets you 'Cut through multiple targets' you can generally kill the horse and get the rider to bleed on a single pass.

It gets a bit more difficult when the have a lance but nothing a shield, or close proximity to a tree/object, can't resolve. :)

Mounted knight vs. knight combat is my favorite though... that and killing archers.

)(#$*#(% hate archers.
archer do indeed suck but nothing feels better than when you cut one down from behind lol
I watched that developer video and was drawn into the game, it was the first time I've even heard of it. Love me some realistic mideval combat games. I was flipping through their forums looking for information on the pre-order early access (not available if you pre-order after 25 September) and became a little taken back.

According to the forums, there are still some pretty major balance issues with the game. Mainly, from what I read, with horses and the lances. "Skill is not an unlock" apparently doesn't apply to horses and lances, large hit boxes with auto aim attached to it and massively overpowered due to the momentum mechanics.

On top of that, most people keep with the heavy armor, even archers, because theres no reason not to wear it except to gimp yourself and stick to a "theme".

The idea of skill is getting thrown about because people just slam wildly into a match swinging every which way not caring who they kill be it friend or foe. The one-on-one duels between players rarely happen but when they do its pretty amazing.

So with those reasons I've read about, I feel like I need or should wait just a little longer and see if they can manage to balance some things out.

For those of you that have taken part in the beta, do you agree or disagree with these things that I've read about or is it some people that are mad they couldn't get away from a horse fast enough?
What I don't like about horses is that the audio for them doesn't play until they have ridden past. And after they have ridden past means you just got lanced in the back. :)

So I'm fighting Harry Potter and having a good time. He swings I block it. I swing and he blocks it. I switch to dagger and get in 4 quick jabs. Yea baby yea! This game is fun as hell!

Then boom I'm dead to Sugarfoot the ninja horse. Seems that the horse went all invisible on my audio and ganked me from behind with a 15 foot lance at 45 mph. I can hear positional audio from other soldiers, but horses are ninjas!

As far as fighting a horse I can see coming it's fine. They come rolling by and you sidestep them and take a whack at them. Worst case scenario they keep going and ninja lance your teammate from behind. If you're playing archer kill the horse. Nothing more exciting than having a lance 5 feet from your face and letting loose a bolt that drops the horse in one shot.

All horse riders become bumbling idiots when they are off their steed. It's like you took their candy away. Play whack a mole with their heads and move on to the next challenge. The guy with a shield that blocks 5 of your friends for 5 minutes. Even the ones that attack him from behind. :)
Yeah I dislike how shields immediately become immune to everything.

Doesn't matter.. AXE TO THE FACE!





I don't really care too much for executions but when you chase someone down and duel him for 15 minutes or finally cut down that god damn lancer on his horse, it's so satisfying to just drop my axe on his head.
Lances should break on first instakill or after 3 normal, which ever comes first. Also, they should not 'regenerate' like they do now. :(

I still place high but I refuse to use them.
Lances should break on first instakill or after 3 normal, which ever comes first. Also, they should not 'regenerate' like they do now. :(

I still place high but I refuse to use them.

Oh they regenerate? I was wondering why the same guy insta-killed me 10 times on his damn horse without suffering a death himself.
"Mount and Blade: Warband" was fun, for a few days, at a $5 pricepoint.

The combat was limited to block left, block right, block up, block down ( some weapons can't even block down ). Attack left, attack right, attack up, attack down ( some weapons can't attack from below ).
Attacking from horseback consists of whether to approach your opponent from the left side or the right side and whether to use a sword ( to slice ) or lance ( to poke ).

Do you fight with a one-handed weapon with a shield or go balls-deep and use a powerful, yet slow-swinging, 2-handed weapon? I liked the fact that cheap shields would break after taking a few hits, relative to more expensive shields. You have finite money to buy equipment.

The fact that you could jump with a two-handed sword and one-shot a horse rider is just flat-out, :rolleyes: dumb. You would have to be built like Arnold Schwarzenegger in "Conan the Barbarian" and how could you even jump a horse's height anyway?

Spoiler: The way I broke the graphical telegraphing of which direction I was attacking from, was to jump up and down like Super Fucking Mario - pretty realistic huh? Who jumps up and down on a medieval battlefield? Have you ever worn chainmail armour? I tried to crawl into chainmail one time and I my head was crushed by the weight of it ( a friend was watching so he laughed and helped me slide into it, like a caterpillar ).
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Servers are lagging out atm. First day issues. Game looks great but the sounds are weird. Sever lagged out within 3 minutes so no idea what the game is like yet.
Servers were buttery smooth for early access pre-orders, launch day just destroyed them :/ I dunno what happened since most of the time the servers were at full capacity to begin with.