War of the Worlds (Half-Life 2?)


Jan 11, 2005
just saw war of the worlds today and i noticed there there is incredible similarities to Half-Life 2. for those of you who have seen it i have to ask you what was the first thing you thought when you saw the aliens? striders anyone? not only that, but the whole invasion process of the "storm" and the total infestation of the planet then holding the humans as resources. i thought the movie was good though, so i think you should all go to see it and tell me what you think of it, and if you can find more HL2 ideas in it.
Kankykur7 said:
just saw war of the worlds today and i noticed there there is incredible similarities to Half-Life 2. for those of you who have seen it i have to ask you what was the first thing you thought when you saw the aliens? striders anyone? not only that, but the whole invasion process of the "storm" and the total infestation of the planet then holding the humans as resources. i thought the movie was good though, so i think you should all go to see it and tell me what you think of it, and if you can find more HL2 ideas in it.

Just incase...you do realize that it's a remake?

And from the quick shots in the previews it looks like the old ships only now with "feet"

I could be COMPLETELY wrong...I'll retract my statement after I see it today ;)
Netrat33 said:
Just incase...you do realize that it's a remake?

And from the quick shots in the previews it looks like the old ships only now with "feet"

I could be COMPLETELY wrong...I'll retract my statement after I see it today ;)

'Tis true... But I don't think the original movie had these type of aliens. I do believe they were just people in cheesy costumes.
omg I just saw the film a few hours ago and it was amazing... Such powerful images. It was kinda like how saving private ryan was both beautiful and horrifying at the same time. I love Steven Spielberg :D
Wonder if there'll be a re-release of the musical version. It's sort of a classic.

the book was first published in 1898. come on guys.. that book is considered a classic.. it's H.G. wells.. he also wrote The Time Machine..

how do the aliens die?? do they die the same way as in the book???
I believe the first motion picture version of War of the Worlds was released in 1953.
Kankykur7 said:
just saw war of the worlds today and i noticed there there is incredible similarities to Half-Life 2. for those of you who have seen it i have to ask you what was the first thing you thought when you saw the aliens? striders anyone? not only that, but the whole invasion process of the "storm" and the total infestation of the planet then holding the humans as resources. i thought the movie was good though, so i think you should all go to see it and tell me what you think of it, and if you can find more HL2 ideas in it.
HL2 burrowed a ton from War of the Worlds, not the other way around.
Just saw the movie. Good stuff. But definately not HL2 ;)
Don't even think the style looked liked the striders.

As for the ending....well...if you saw the original...yes....yes the same. But still. very fun ride getting there and good visual *creepy in ways* effect. And it does have it's own spin on certain events. I think it honors the original one nicely.

Heh..didn't know there was a musical though.

The time machine was great! And yes..I did enjoy the new one too. But only because I love the original. (just fun seeing it retold)

I don't remember the aliens being in suits though or even seeing them in the original. Just the ships. It was a long time ago though sinc seeing it. I do want to see it again though now. I always loved the original.
dderidex said:

sweet!!! I want to see this BUT only if Holiwood havnt bastardiesd it and Cruse's ego is soo big he saves the day - that would have ruined it!!!

Wont say anymore cause IF my lass don't know how it ends,quite a few dont either
eeyrjmr said:
sweet!!! I want to see this BUT only if Holiwood havnt bastardiesd it and Cruse's ego is soo big he saves the day - that would have ruined it!!!

Wont say anymore cause IF my lass don't know how it ends,quite a few dont either
LOL - you realize that ending is why everyone is panning it, right?

"OMG, the ending was so abrupt!"

"Total deus ex machina - ending was a complete cop-out"

"Movie ended too suddenly, felt cheap"

etc, et al.

People who haven't read the book (or, sadly, didn't KNOW there was a book) are really having a hard time with it.
Maby I'll read the book, actually I didn't even know there was a book, but oh well, you live you learn, then when it comes out on DVD I'll know what is actually happening.
dderidex said:
LOL - you realize that ending is why everyone is panning it, right?

"OMG, the ending was so abrupt!"

"Total deus ex machina - ending was a complete cop-out"

"Movie ended too suddenly, felt cheap"

etc, et al.

People who haven't read the book (or, sadly, didn't KNOW there was a book) are really having a hard time with it.

I noticed people like that in the theatre (usually teens). They freakin annoy me when they are like that. THAT'S THE POINT! Simple answers! It's our planet! Everything has a purpose! That's what's so "unexpected"
yea i figured you'll have dip shits that hate the ending not realizing there's a book it's based on... i thought it was an interesting concept on how the aliens die
dderidex said:
LOL - you realize that ending is why everyone is panning it, right?

"OMG, the ending was so abrupt!"

"Total deus ex machina - ending was a complete cop-out"

"Movie ended too suddenly, felt cheap"

etc, et al.

People who haven't read the book (or, sadly, didn't KNOW there was a book) are really having a hard time with it.

please say teh common-cold.
IF so, thats what I want, we were beat (the humans) in the book, so it is quite fitting how the Martians were defeated.

My only prob would have been IF they made Cruse into a Uber-hero!!! which I take they havn't

BTW why have they refered to the Aliens as "being from another planet" and not martians as they were in the book, radio show, original film

IS it because of dumb-ass yanks and not wanting to scare them (as to the radio show LOLOLOLOL) and with Buth wanting to goto Mars?
Netrat33 said:
... don't remember the aliens being in suits though or even seeing them in the original. Just the ships. It was a long time ago though sinc seeing it. I do want to see it again though now. I always loved the original.

If I remember correctly the only thing we saw of the aliens in the movie was a hand. One of the last aliens opened his ships hatch and we saw its hand when it collapsed.

I have the radio play as an MP3, thats the best version, IMO.
Shadowspawn said:
If I remember correctly the only thing we saw of the aliens in the movie was a hand. One of the last aliens opened his ships hatch and we saw its hand when it collapsed.

I have the radio play as an MP3, thats the best version, IMO.

Yeap. and I started thinking more:

I seem to recall in the cellar/barn scene, you saw like a shadow of an alien. Like a little...fat thingy.
u guys didnt think that hollywood would be creative enough to release an ORIGINAL movie, did you?
ryanrule said:
u guys didnt think that hollywood would be creative enough to release an ORIGINAL movie, did you?

Well...in defensive of hollywood :eek: Having aliens take over the world really can't make a new concept for it :)

Except if the aliens came back to look for....whales

Some of you get that
Netrat33 said:
Well...in defensive of hollywood :eek: Having aliens take over the world really can't make a new concept for it :)

Except if the aliens came back to look for....whales

Some of you get that
star trek. :)
Netrat33 said:
Well...in defensive of hollywood :eek: Having aliens take over the world really can't make a new concept for it :)

Except if the aliens came back to look for....whales

Some of you get that
:D props
Netrat33 said:
Just incase...you do realize that it's a remake?

And from the quick shots in the previews it looks like the old ships only now with "feet"

I could be COMPLETELY wrong...I'll retract my statement after I see it today ;)

Haven't seen the movie, but I just wanted to point something out...

in the ORIGINAL, the "ships" had "feet".

I'm talking about the book and the 1930's radio broadcast that terrified the world, of course.
Netrat33 said:
Well...in defensive of hollywood :eek: Having aliens take over the world really can't make a new concept for it :)

Except if the aliens came back to look for....whales

Some of you get that

lol, nice. :D
eloj said:

Dude, it's like 100 years old.

Okay, intro to WotW for those who don't know:

1898: HG Wells writes a book title War of the Worlds.

1938: Orson Welles (no relation that I know of) broadcasts a fake newscast of an alien invasion

1953: The first movie was made. It's a sci-fi classic.

1976: A theatrical musical is made

1988: TV show picks up the story from the 1953 movie.

Mid-1990s: Made-for-TV movie shows to be a poor remake of the radio show. I have been unable to find any real information on it; it seems to have been all but forgotten. See edit below.

2005: Speilberg cashes in.

2005: Someone else cashes in on Speilberg cashing in.

edit 2: Oh, yeah. I just remembered a crappy TV spinoff (I can't call it a remake) done some time in the 1990's. It was done as a news broadcast, an homage to the 1938 radio show. Only to avoid panic, they of course would advise viewers that it wasn't a real news broadcast. In that one, three asteroids crash in remote areas of the world. Some scientist determines that they're broadcasting triangulation information for a landing party. A massive asteroid is detected heading toward earth, and the military ultimately decides to shoot it down with a nuke because...well, it's a HUGE ASTEROID. The show ended with similarly-sized asteroids raining down on earth and the combined militaries trying to shoot them out of the sky with nukes. The implication was that we were all screwed. Yeah, that one sucked.
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the 1953 movie did have one scene showing a front shot of the martian
and i would like to point out IT WAS NOT A MUSICAL FFS!

and the previous timeline missed a scifi series (approx 1998?) where the plot was the "martains" were attempting another invasion, this time clandestine, and peoples memories of the first attempt had mysteriously faded :)
weebling1 said:
the 1953 movie did have one scene showing a front shot of the martian
and i would like to point out IT WAS NOT A MUSICAL FFS!

and the previous timeline missed a scifi series (approx 1998?) where the plot was the "martains" were attempting another invasion, this time clandestine, and peoples memories of the first attempt had mysteriously faded :)

Yeah, that show bore so little similarity to the original WotW that I ignored it :p

iirc, the first aliens looked like the aliens from the 1953 movie, but then were replaced by something else. The show took several turns for the weirder before I stopped watching it. I think the series was run by another network before scifi, and 1998 seems a bit too recent to me. Early 90s maybe?

edit: here you go: http://www.tv.com/war-of-the-worlds/show/4495/summary.html

It started in 1988 and ended in 1990. I was younger than I thought when that came on :eek:
eeyrjmr said:
BTW why have they refered to the Aliens as "being from another planet" and not martians as they were in the book, radio show, original film

IS it because of dumb-ass yanks and not wanting to scare them (as to the radio show LOLOLOLOL) and with Buth wanting to goto Mars?

No, I think its probally because everyone (with some sense) knows theres nothing on Mars, therefore saying "beings from another planet" would make it a little more beliveable.
1988? how time flies...

but probably the most important question...

do the aliens destroy the LA county courthouse again? :D
>Dude, it's like 100 years old.

I know the book is older, but since I've never read it I wasn't sure if the "legs" were specifically mentioned in it or not.
eloj said:
>Dude, it's like 100 years old.

I know the book is older, but since I've never read it I wasn't sure if the "legs" were specifically mentioned in it or not.

The legs are mentioned in both the 1898 book and the 1938 radio play. It wasn't until the first movie (1953) that the the legs were removed. I'm glad Speilberg brought that back, at least.

Also, I was at Wal-Mart last night and noticed a new WotW movie that was released straight to video. It's set in the time of the book, and is looks to be a faithful recreation of the novel. Might be worth looking into if you can find it for rent.
PopeKevinI said:
The legs are mentioned in both the 1898 book and the 1938 radio play. It wasn't until the first movie (1953) that the the legs were removed. I'm glad Speilberg brought that back, at least.

They probably took out the legs because they didn't have the tech to do them properly. Can you imagine how they would have looked with 1953 special effects? :eek:

mr.dearthian said:
They probably took out the legs because they didn't have the tech to do them properly. Can you imagine how they would have looked with 1953 special effects? :eek:


Actually, they tried to have them walk on beams of light or something like that, but it proved to be too expensive (I think).