Warfactory No-Frills, Sept 30, St Louis

[RCKY] Thor

Oct 1, 2001
Our regulars have been asking for it, so St Louis Warfactory has put together a "No-Frills" LAN for this september 30th at the St Louis Science Center's May Hall. No tournaments to worry about, just good LAN fun in whatever game you can convince everyone to play. Admission is 10 bucks either pre-pay or at the door, but pre-paying does reserve you a seat. Admission capped at 100 seats. Hope to see you all there!

heh i live in the st.louis county area, about 20mins away from science center, i signed up but i dont know if i can go, also will anything be provided? i wish i had a lanbox or lappy, also where is the may hall?
This is going ot be what we call a no-frills event, which means no official tournaments and limited prizes, more a for-the-fun-of-it lan, and yes, you need to bring all your own equipment. We will be having a full on tournament lan in January.

May Hall is in the bottom level of the main science center building.
You could be the worst gamer ever and still have fun at our lans. Especially since this one has no tournaments, skill level is irrelevant. There is no minimum age, but we do require a waiver signed by the parents of anyone under 18.
1 more week ya'all, also will there be security so someone cant just walk out with our comp if were away from it???????

also this will be my first ever lan party, if i can go.... im pretty excited :), also will the lan cables and routers/switches be provided? thanks
All you need to bring is your computer, monitor, perhipials, software, and you. Network and security are provided.
well ill be there, see ya'all there, btw im payed up and what time does the event start/end at ..... and can someone give me an exact map of may hall thanks
Pull up to the main science center (not the planetarium) circle drive and you will be given directions.
Wish I could come, but my gaming box (in sig) is in pieces waiting on an rma.

Have fun
Hey man, glad you had a good time. Im one of the admins for WF - I hope I met/ran into you while you were there. Thanks for the support!

We had 40 something show up which was expected because of no tournies and prizes but the one in January will be much much larger.

As for Fatal1ty, I hope he comes again, along with a lot of the other people he came with. That 1v1 with Lost_Cause on the IMAX dome was awesome to watch.
I think i was the youngest one there, around 13, on the second row far left.... also would like some pics if u got some! Hope to see you all in jan and in the future