Warhammer Online Thread!

I don't understand when people say a game "isn't ready to be released" and complain about it when it's an MMORPG. Has there been ANY MMORPG that has released BUG FREE and with ZERO PATCHES ever made? No.

MMORPG games are designed to come out 80% done. If you release a game that's 100% done the only way you can change/fix the game is by redoing things that were already "100%" instead of building that extra 20% after learning from your mistakes in the first 80%.

Hell, what fun is it to join a MMORPG and not be able to say "I remember back in the day we had this and that and now you noobs get to do things easy" :)
I don't understand when people say a game "isn't ready to be released" and complain about it when it's an MMORPG. Has there been ANY MMORPG that has released BUG FREE and with ZERO PATCHES ever made?

Of course not. But I've been in enough Beta's to have a good yard stick of when a game should hit retail and this game just feels unfinished. Even aside from the major bugs, like falling under the game world and being stuck in giant sea when I use recall (this happened more than once) the game overall just feels unfinished, there's a lot of good ideas, but not fully fleshed out. Like they bit off more than they could chew, and consequently they've cut a bunch of stuff from release, most notably the recent classes and content. It definitely feels like they are being pushed to release early and I'm sure that comes from their publisher and investors, but with a good 3 or 4 months more they'd be in much better shape. Right now they're scrambling to make their date.
The biggest deal for me is, PvE my Brothers and I play a MMORPG to go out and explore the world and quest away and just get lost together, I could care less for PvP. I have been playing WoW since November 2004 and never once tried the PvP in that game and don't plan too, I want to play the story driven game with a group of Guildies. To me WarHammer Online focuses way too much on PvP, I just don't see all the rage for that stuff

Different strokes for different folks then. WAR is at its core a group PvP game. If it isn't your cup of tea then move on. Nothing wrong with that and I think people will understand that putting a square peg in a round hole isn't ever going to work so move on.

The way I see it is that you have 3 main MMO's out shortly that go about making them in 3 different ways:

WoW is a gear driven dungeon/raid crawler.

LoTRO is a story driven quest based game.

AoC is a PvP driven siege based game.

Out of those 3 which will WAR be trying to move in on? From what it seems like to me, it is focusing on being more PvP oriented through its RvR system, but adding a more complete PvE experience then what AoC offers.

MMORPG games are designed to come out 80% done. If you release a game that's 100% done the only way you can change/fix the game is by redoing things that were already "100%" instead of building that extra 20% after learning from your mistakes in the first 80%.

Mr. Face, what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.
So who is going to start the [H] Guild? If made before everyone picks servers it would be a hell of a lot easier.
If you like WoW, and you like PvP, you'll like this game. It's fun, but it's pretty much just WoW in a new wrapper and lots of PvP thrown in. Just don't expect the same sort of PvP balance that WoW has. In general most WoW classes have a chance against any other class, in WAR many classes stand no chance in 1v1, especially casters. It's a group PvP game.

You must be joking. Rogue LOL?
Of course not. But I've been in enough Beta's to have a good yard stick of when a game should hit retail and this game just feels unfinished. Even aside from the major bugs, like falling under the game world and being stuck in giant sea when I use recall (this happened more than once) the game overall just feels unfinished, there's a lot of good ideas, but not fully fleshed out. Like they bit off more than they could chew, and consequently they've cut a bunch of stuff from release, most notably the recent classes and content. It definitely feels like they are being pushed to release early and I'm sure that comes from their publisher and investors, but with a good 3 or 4 months more they'd be in much better shape. Right now they're scrambling to make their date.

I am in the beta and have been for several months now, 100% disagree with everything you're saying. Can't talk much due to the NDA of course but obviously the people talking are probably going to be for most games sour/bitter apples that can't respect the NDA even, meaning people who like the game are generally not going to break their contract... you may notice there aren't many reliable leaks for WAR (Warhammer Online), so take that into account ;). P.S. the bug you're talking about with a single bugged item that teleports you, was fixed weeks upon weeks ago and only existed for a couple of days ;).

This game isn't anywhere near ready for release. There are a lot of bugs still the game that need to be worked out. I've experienced quite a few, some are more than just merely annoyances, and only been in the beta a few weeks. I don't think I've fallen through the game world in an MMO since Anarchy Online.

It's a fun game, but it's plays and feels just like WoW, without all the polish. The graphics are a step up from WoW, but the pacing, questing, archetypes, PvP, art style, character advancement... it's all just like WoW. The PvP is slower paced though. People who like fast paced twitch PvP will be dissapointed. Right now, PvP is very unbalanced in 1v1. Healers are way overpowered, and damage casters don't stand a chance against most opponents unless you have group coverage. Public quests are a cool innovation, lots of fun. I really like the Tome of Knowledge as well adds a lot of story to the game, so you just aren't grinding quests all day.

I think it'll be a fun game for those who like to PvP, but don't expect a game that's as big, balanced, and polished as WoW. Mythic doesn't have anywhere near the time, money, or resources that Blizzard does.

I'd give it a 6.5 in it's current state, if they polish it up maybe an 8, but it's gonna be a while.

You're obviously enamored with WOW... it's OK that it's your first MMO, but that doesn't mean you should act like a world-renowned expert on it proclaiming it the best thing ever. Not sure how recently you've been in beta but this sounds like a completely different game than I've been playing ;).

Nice NDA breakage though, really, if you're lying to the company allowing you to help them test the game, why should people trust you not to lie to them or have any agenda? I know I'm technically breaking it myself calling "bullshit" on your rants, but god, I haven't seen such tripe for ages.

Anyone actually interested in the game... Mark Jacobs (WAR's producer) has stated the NDA should be dropping sometime next week (toward the middle or end) publicly. Once that happens, take a look... you'll bypass all the speculation and propaganda to see and judge for yourself at that time. As far as if I like the game? Let's just say, I decided to make an in-depth fan site about it ( http://www.trizzeo.com ), which I have not done for a game before ever. I have written 15,000+ words of articles and am still going, as well as a bunch of mini-guides and a nice video :). There'll be lots to see :D.
Are you guys getting free hand jobs for keeping quiet about the game or something ? :rolleyes: I mean this is not top secret stuff where lives depend on the information, this is just a freaking video game for gosh sake, so chill out. The game comes out next month anyways so who cares what we say now it is due out so soon there shouldn't be an NDA anymore.

I was in the beta I think number 3.1 this Summer and the game to me feels like the best of all new MMORPG's coming out this year, but thats not saying much because all the games released this year blew so far, I mean AoC = Age of Conan bit my sack, Vanguard could have been better than WoW but was never completed, TCoS could be cool but I doubt it, so that leaves WhO - WarHammer Online and I think it will be good, but it is no polished diamond WoW is, and way too heavy on the PvP side, which I don't understand all the rage for PvP :rolleyes:
If you like WoW, and you like PvP, you'll like this game. It's fun, but it's pretty much just WoW in a new wrapper and lots of PvP thrown in. Just don't expect the same sort of PvP balance that WoW has. In general most WoW classes have a chance against any other class, in WAR many classes stand no chance in 1v1, especially casters. It's a group PvP game.

Did it ever occur to you that WAR is not about 1 vs 1 PVP but more about group vs group and massive battles and siege?
You're obviously enamored with WOW... it's OK that it's your first MMO, but that doesn't mean you should act like a world-renowned expert on it proclaiming it the best thing ever.

Nice try Kid, but I've been playing MMO's since Asheron's Call. I've played EQ, AO, AC, AC2, EQ2, SWG, WoW, MO, CoH, Ryzom, AoC, Vanguard, Lotro at least half of those in beta and other smaller MMO betas which I don't even remember. Most of that time was spent in AO, SWG, WoW, and Lotro. I played WoW for about 9 months then quit because I got bored and sold my account, that was almost 2 years ago now, but thanks anyway. I only compare it to WoW, because it's very similar in style and gameplay, it's obvious the designers are trying to ride the coat tails of WoW's success.

I tell it like I see it, I could care less about the NDA as I have no plans on playing WAR at release, or any MMO for that matter, I was just curious to see how WAR was doing.

Like I said it's good and pretty fun, but no WoW killer like some people think. I'm just keeping expectations in check. I thought if any game had a chance at being as huge as WoW it was this one, you could tell from early on it was WoW clone, not that I blame them. It has a good base, but it's missing that overall magic and polish that makes WoW what it is. I think with another 3-4 months they'd be in better shape for release, but with a another 6 months to polish up content, gameplay and interfaces, they'd be golden. It's too bad that the people holding the purse strings are pushing it out the door.

P.S. the bug you're talking about with a single bugged item that teleports you, was fixed weeks upon weeks ago and only existed for a couple of days .

Nice try again, but this happened to me (twice) just a couple days ago in Nordland when recalling to Breurer's Regiment.

nullzero said:
Did it ever occur to you that WAR is not about 1 vs 1 PVP but more about group vs group and massive battles and siege?

Yeah, that's why I said, and I quote "it's a group PvP game". Read much?
Are you guys getting free hand jobs for keeping quiet about the game or something ? :rolleyes: I mean this is not top secret stuff where lives depend on the information, this is just a freaking video game for gosh sake, so chill out. The game comes out next month anyways so who cares what we say now it is due out so soon there shouldn't be an NDA anymore.

Yeah, I guess sites like HardOCP should just say "screw the NDA on this new video card series, let's just spill the beans!" because they feel it should have dropped on GeForce X5817XTBCADXYZ Rev. 2 already, right? It's a company's right to enforce a contract and care about controlled release in their marketing efforts about a game, and quite frankly, aside from being legally wrong to breach that contract, it's also morally wrong to displace their trust.

Bonsai, you do realize WOW is a clone of WAR, not the other way around, right? WAR has been out 25+ years, and Blizzard actually approached the tabletop makers (Games Workshop) for the rights but were turned down, so they cloned it. I'm glad it's not a WOW killer, I don't want 500000000 hours of PVE replacing the same gear with better gear so I can go kill monsters for more gear to replace that gear, and wow now I can take on superboss generic monster 502-B for even cooler gear to progress to 502-C!!!! YAYYYYY!

I have doubts from what you're spreading propaganda/misinformation about a game that you don't like, that you actually ever played those other games. You appear to be very, very, very into WOW and feel it is the benchmark of all MMO's, which if you have really played those other games you'd know otherwise. As far as being a "clone" of WOW gameplay wise, that's again utter tripe. I'd lean it closer to DAOC than WOW, really, and WOW is basically just a well-presented version of what every MMO did before it.

I find WAR 100% different from WOW in my play experiences... WOW is very PVE-centric and focused on chasing gear levels repeatedly, while WAR is RVR-centric with a side of PVE that doesn't require 5,000 levels worth of gear grinding and provides options rather than straight vertical improvement in power.

WTB NDA drop, PST 5plat OBO!
Bonsai, you do realize WOW is a clone of WAR, not the other way around, right?

Yeah and WAR is a clone of Tolkien, who is a clone of Wagner's The Ring, who is clone of Norse mythology...what's your point? WAR and WoW bear almost zero resemblance to the table top game (which I've also played... well 40k). Two completely different genres that use similar settings, you can hardly call it a "clone".

I have doubts from what you're spreading propaganda/misinformation about a game that you don't like, that you actually ever played those other games.

You're free to believe whatever you want, but considering I've said like 5 times now that it's a decent game, that has some fun elements, that I like, it's obvious you're just hearing whatever you want to hear, and inserting whatever you want into what I'm really saying. But I guess I'm just spreading propaganda. :rolleyes:

Once again, for the morons who can't read: it's a fun game, but it's not ready for release, if you're expecting WoW 2.0 look elsewhere. Combat is slower, PvP is group oriented and it's no where near as polished. This game is more like WoW than any other MMO I've played, and I've spent time in just about all of them. It's very similar in style, gameplay, questing, character advancement, combat, pacing, archetypes, and skill trees.. the biggest difference is that it's more PvP oriented with PvE quests on the side. If you like WoW and wants lots of PvP, you'll like this game, however the PvP experience isn't as smooth and balanced as PvP in WoW. This game could use another 3-4 months in Beta to polish up content, the UI, and combat experience, it feels too unfinished at this point and is really lacking that "magic" and polish to really help it take off. All in all a fun experience, just needs some tweaking for it to really excel.
WoW was pretty horrid when it first came out. All MMO companies put that "magic" and polish on after release.
WoW was pretty horrid when it first came out. All MMO companies put that "magic" and polish on after release.

You obviously never played Anarchy Online or Vanguard at release, WoW was light years ahead in polish, stability, and cohesiveness. WoW was one the most polished MMO's ever on release, but that's because Blizzard lives by their own timeline and standards. Most other MMO companies don't have that luxury. Blizzard doesn't released half baked games, WoW was no exception. And before I get yet another fanboy title, original SWG was by far my favorite MMO. It was what an MMORPG should be.
To be honest, WoW came out such a long time ago that everyone's going to have a different overall impression of what it was like at launch. There aren't many objective measures of success, and the number of hours servers were down is totally unimportant to me since it doesn't have an impact on the quality of the game when servers are up.

Anyway, I'm looking forward to WAR and I don't trust negative feedback on MMOs anymore, ever since the Funcom/AoC bashing started in full force all across the internet. There are so many jaded MMO 'power players' who have their own set of standards and don't see (or at least don't discuss) the positive aspects of games, and don't seem to acknowledge that even a game with flaws can (or should) be enjoyed by people. There seems to be a utopian ideal for MMOs among the most hardcore MMORPG players. I think this is what leads to so much negativity.
Of course not. But I've been in enough Beta's to have a good yard stick of when a game should hit retail and this game just feels unfinished. Even aside from the major bugs, like falling under the game world and being stuck in giant sea when I use recall (this happened more than once) the game overall just feels unfinished, there's a lot of good ideas, but not fully fleshed out. Like they bit off more than they could chew, and consequently they've cut a bunch of stuff from release, most notably the recent classes and content. It definitely feels like they are being pushed to release early and I'm sure that comes from their publisher and investors, but with a good 3 or 4 months more they'd be in much better shape. Right now they're scrambling to make their date.

Well. All I can tell ya is that WoW still has issues with falling through the world, getting stuck in walls, and being stuck in the looting position :D
Mr. Face, what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

Great job writing something completely unoriginal and then not even providing a counter-argument to defend your case. It sounds like you are forgetting the Star Wars MMO where the creators completely redid the game. That is a perfect example of "100%" and then having to redo every thing because they screwed up so bad.
Great job writing something completely unoriginal and then not even providing a counter-argument to defend your case. It sounds like you are forgetting the Star Wars MMO where the creators completely redid the game. That is a perfect example of "100%" and then having to redo every thing because they screwed up so bad.

And look where that is at. Look where AoC is at, look where Vanguard is at, and so on and so forth.

You do not release a game 80% done and attempt to persuade customers after the fact, I mean just look at AoC. Perfectly smooth release but zero content at end game, zero PvP, zero siege system, worthless stat system, worthless gear progression, and a lot of broken PvE content in between. Look at how well they are doing trying to assuage the masses that they are in fact working on that content and that said content will soon be in game. They just gave us a third time-line when to expect the PvP patch and the additional content patch in. Without hard numbers it is impossible to gauge, but there are some websites throwing numbers around that between 4-500k subscriptions have been canceled within the last two months. I know my server(doomsayer) is personally a ghost town. That is what happens when you release a game with 20% of its content missing.

Look at other games that had worse launches from a technical standpoint; WoW, Shadowbane, UO, and LoTRO. I'm probably missing a couple off the top of my head, but anyways, those games all had a a large amount of content to do through all levels and especially at end game. Releasing free content or expansions was more of a perk with those since they didn't feel like they were missing anything to begin with.

So when you stated that all games are released with 80% content and they slowly build up to the 100% mark and then completely rebuild the game IMO shows a lack of understanding regarding the genre.
I ended up pre-ordering this despite not following much, although I've been registered with the beta site for over a year (guess they didn't like my dxdiag). I'm looking to get back into an MMO and figured a fresh start in a new game is the way to go.

I'll probably roll two Chaos characters, one Chosen and one Zealot and see how things develop. None of the other races interest me much at the moment.
I ended up pre-ordering this despite not following much, although I've been registered with the beta site for over a year (guess they didn't like my dxdiag). I'm looking to get back into an MMO and figured a fresh start in a new game is the way to go.

I'll probably roll two Chaos characters, one Chosen and one Zealot and see how things develop. None of the other races interest me much at the moment.

I have also been in the beta signup for over a year.

Any idea how they choose the beta testers? Is it totally random? I've also tried updating my dxdiag every couple of months to show that I still care :p They didn't fall for that I guess
Are you guys getting free hand jobs for keeping quiet about the game or something ? :rolleyes: I mean this is not top secret stuff where lives depend on the information, this is just a freaking video game for gosh sake, so chill out. The game comes out next month anyways so who cares what we say now it is due out so soon there shouldn't be an NDA anymore.

No, I wish I was getting free handjobs.

Regardless of where you stand, you're only beta testing the game because they LET you to. It's not a right, but a privilege. I know damn sure they are thousands out there who are more than willing to take your spot just to adhere to Mythic's rules.

Obviously none of us are going to die, lose an arm, or lose money if we let something slip about the game, but some of us have enough respect for Mythic to adhere to the contract we signed with them when we agreed to beta test the game.

Sure I wont lose sleep if I post on [H] about WAR and break NDA, but it's just another goddamn few weeks, till OB is released and NDA will probably get lifted before then. I've been doing it for a year, why the fuck would I break it now?
Well, not to shit in the middle of all this QQing, but...

Time for WAR bitches!

I'm really looking forward to this game. I've played WoW off and on since beta and I've played SWG and CoH as well. WoW has been the funnest in terms of PvP (and everything else too) but the idea of a game based on PvP has me pretty excited! All my friends that played DAoC back in the day say that Mythic knows how to do PvP right. So I just thought I'd post some optimism and excitement!

The wait over the next month will be hard :)

will this be PVE orientated or mainly PVP? i started playing wow but quickly got bored because the noob servers/maps are bloody empty because most people who play wow are mostly high level chars so it will take a good few months before i start to interact with large amount of people and tbh i dont have the patience to do that especialy the fact that i HAVE to pay to play the damm game which in its first few months of lvling up to 70 is basicly playing a fucking solo rpg game
will this be PVE orientated or mainly PVP? i started playing wow but quickly got bored because the noob servers/maps are bloody empty because most people who play wow are mostly high level chars so it will take a good few months before i start to interact with large amount of people and tbh i dont have the patience to do that especialy the fact that i HAVE to pay to play the damm game which in its first few months of lvling up to 70 is basicly playing a fucking solo rpg game

It's been mentioned a couple of times in this thread already. This game is centered around RvR (Realm vs realm; group PvP) but you aren't ever forced to do so. You can level to max rank and never participate in RvR but you're really limiting yourself if you do this since RvR is really the core of this game. I'll just say I've generally hated PvP in pretty much every MMO since it's usually a pointless gankfest but I'm loving RvR more than the PvE in WAR.
Well, today is the day. I tried to enter my preorder key into the site as the preorder says to do and it says its an invalid key. I hope its just because they're late getting their site up and not because my key is actually invalid for some reason. I really want to start downloading the beta client.

MMOs are alwasy such a hassle when they first start :rolleyes:
Well, today is the day. I tried to enter my preorder key into the site as the preorder says to do and it says its an invalid key. I hope its just because they're late getting their site up and not because my key is actually invalid for some reason. I really want to start downloading the beta client.

MMOs are alwasy such a hassle when they first start :rolleyes:

I tried to make an account at 12:01 AM and I got the same error as well. Oh well, I will try again later in the day.
I got my pre-order yesterday. Cant wait. Hopefully I will be out of the hospital by then. I am going for double hip-replacements this wednesday.
The OP lists an assassin class, can anyone shed some light on this?

I spec'd an assassin in AoC which was fun until level 20+ when they stopped being a decent fighter and more like a squishy sponge.

Im interested in stealth abilites, i like being totaly invisible and sneaking about, this is why I liked planetside and AoC (for a bit) is that possible in WAR?
The OP lists an assassin class, can anyone shed some light on this?

I spec'd an assassin in AoC which was fun until level 20+ when they stopped being a decent fighter and more like a squishy sponge.

Im interested in stealth abilites, i like being totaly invisible and sneaking about, this is why I liked planetside and AoC (for a bit) is that possible in WAR?

Mostly still under NDA but there is not an assassin class and stealth in this game works completely different than every other MMO. More than likely, you won't be sneaking around ganking and backstabbing people at random. You'll die plenty fast. :D
Ah well, thats a bit gay.

I might just go as a mage then, or maybe an engineer.

I love DPS, burn through your mana in about 7 seconds and then spend the rest of the time running trying to evade everything :D
Well, today is the day. I tried to enter my preorder key into the site as the preorder says to do and it says its an invalid key.

I just tried to make a account again and it looks like the account center has been updated. It now gives an error message stating "This code cannot be used yet". So at least our codes are valid now.
Taken from their website... it says After August 15th, so the language leads me to believe anytime after today. But then it says you can download the files ON August 15th, but apparently you can't do that unless you can enter your code... I love trying to figure out at one point on the circle you can hop on and it begins making sense.

1. After August 15, 2008 visit the Mythic Entertainment Account Management website.
2. Create a new Warhammer Online game account.
3. When prompted, enter your Open Beta code.*

Your Open Beta code can be found on the card in your pre-order box or in your pre-order confirmation email. Open Beta files will be available for download on August 15th. PLEASE NOTE: The start date for Open Beta is still to be determined. Check back here for updates!

* If you have previously entered your Open Beta code in the Beta Center, you will need to enter it again when you create your WAR game account at the new account management site.

James Nichols | Customer Service | 08/15/2008 @ 00:46:56 EST said:
Today is not the start of Open Beta nor Preview Weekend. You will have advanced notice to these dates and as of yet we have not announced them. The only thing occurring today is that later on we will be activating all Pre-Order (CE & SE) Open Beta and Head Start codes (hold onto all of your codes though!) This is the first step in preparations towards hosting a live environment and the pre-launch events ahead.
Wonder how long the open beta will run then. According to something else I read on the forums over there, the client will go gold sometime next week. So I would assume they would try to use that client for the open beta. And the game goes live on...Sept 18th? They typically shutdown the servers a week prior to head start. So.....servers will probably go down on the 7th for a wipe and maybe more servers to be brought up.

Looking at 2 weeks of open beta or thereabouts. Guess we can assume it's going to be a trial retail release more than anything. I really hope once the NDA is lifted that comments on this game are on a more positive note when it comes to PVP, IE not gankfest heavy like every other PVP servers in other MMOs tends to be. I got a friend who insists on playing on PVP servers, but the ganking just wears me down eventually and I go PVE or quit altogether.
Also curious about something. I bought a preorder box from Best Buy. What did you guys receive in your preorders? Got a deck of cards, and a sheet containing two keys, one for open beta and one for head start. Then I got another sheet....containing keys which I was planning to give to a friend but wondering if everyone got the two sheets and we'll need em or not.
Also curious about something. I bought a preorder box from Best Buy. What did you guys receive in your preorders? Got a deck of cards, and a sheet containing two keys, one for open beta and one for head start. Then I got another sheet....containing keys which I was planning to give to a friend but wondering if everyone got the two sheets and we'll need em or not.

I ordered online through the EA store, so I only got an open-beta key and a head-start/preorder item key.
Looks like no beta stuff this weekend or client download, just registration.

Exciting times are ahead and always you can trust the Herald to bring you the news you need to know, when you need to know it. We'll have information on when Open Beta starts, Preview Weekend, how to download the game, and more coming next week.

And if you're reading this and haven't registered...

Things will be moving fast so we encourage everyone to enter their codes as soon as possible. Also remember that up to the first 50 thousand Standard Edition Open-Beta codes to be registered will also be invited to the Preview Weekend - don't delay!
I just tried to make a account again and it looks like the account center has been updated. It now gives an error message stating "This code cannot be used yet". So at least our codes are valid now.

I have now been able to create my account so give it another try when you see this.


I have warhammer fever!