Warm? Acer 19" WS LCD @ Best Buy - $139

Yeah, was going to pick this up at the local store. Saw that they has some available online, and didn't think they were going to sell out at the local store before I could get there this afternoon (~30mins). I was being lazy and didn't want to whip out my credit card while sitting in front of my computer. Whoops. Hopefully they'll get some more in stock mid week. They've got some at the Parma store, but it is a bit of a drive just for a monitor.
Thanks for the heads up on this deal. I snagged a couple today for business use. These actually aren't bad looking monitors with the black bezel - unlike most Acers with the silver bezel.
I picked one of these up today... pretty pleased with it but I have one pixel that looks black. This is my first LCD monitor. Should I take it back?
dead pixel, I highly doubt they'll take it back for one
usually there's a dead pixel policy with retailers and most won't take back unless like 3+ or 5+
I picked one of these up today... pretty pleased with it but I have one pixel that looks black. This is my first LCD monitor. Should I take it back?
yup best buy will if it's near the center, I took back my 22 inch westy about 3 times before I got one without dead pixels. Best buy is different than newegg or other online stores pixel policies, they pretty much return anything whatever the excuse, at least the one here does
is 1 dead pixel worth taking it back? It's about 275 pixels from the left and 123 pixels from the bottom. I can clearly see it now that I've seen it and it's like having something in my eye that I can't get rid of but doesn't bother me that much...
I'd like to point out that CompUSA has I believe the same monitor for the same price after MIR + there's a MIR to get a $40 cannon printer free...in case anyone's interested and doesn't mind MIRs
thanks for the post! went and picked one up just an hour ago after reading the post. was in need of a fp after using a crt for so long ;)
Looks like it's sold out online.

FYI: This is still in stock at the Riverside Best Buy in SoCal. I just came back and they had about 6 of them up on a high shelf. So, all you Inland Impireerereres interested... go grab one :D
I guess I am pretty happy with this monitor... even though it has 1 dead pixel... it's some-what easily ignored. For 140$ and coming from a CRT.. not bad for an upgrade in my low-standard book. Until I can get find westy :)
I'm having some trouble with this monitor on a dual LCD set up... If I turn off the LCD and try turning it back on it doesn't get a signal. The acer is DVI and the other LCD is VGA. I have to restart the computer to get the LCD to work.
Looks like it's sold out online.

FYI: This is still in stock at the Riverside Best Buy in SoCal. I just came back and they had about 6 of them up on a high shelf. So, all you Inland Impireerereres interested... go grab one :D

Yea, make sure you ask a sales rep to get one. They put it high up on the shelf and none are on display. I was about to leave but i asked to make sure and he got one for me. There were about 5 left after i got mine in Nor Cal.(natomas)
It's certainly a 6bit. On a related side note I've used an acer 19" widescreen (ET.1916B.WDA), which appears identical, and it is probably the worst recent lcd I've used. It has very poor color levels, and appears "washed out." YMMV. For office use though, even a crappy lcd is "fine."
I don't think anyone going into a lcd purchase for 140$ is looking to be blown away. This LCD is fine for moderate computer users. Definitely better than carrying my CRT around when I move my computer to other locations. For me... it was even fine for playing my 360 until my 360 got the 3 red lights to day, after playing shadowrun >.<..
Thanks for the heads up on this deal. I snagged a couple today for business use. These actually aren't bad looking monitors with the black bezel - unlike most Acers with the silver bezel.

OK, here's an update. These are an awesome deal for the money plus they come with both VGA and DVI cables. I've seen much higher priced LCD monitors not come with both cables. I bought them for business use so I didn't try them in a gaming situation but they seem to be a great "Bang for the buck" deal so far.
If I wanted to get one of these to go with a dual screen setup, do the resolutions have to be set the same for both monitors? So if my one 22" monitor is at a higher resolution then my second 19" monitor, is that bad, or is it fine to have two monitors hooked up to the same computer and set as different resolutions? Help please.